using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace ProBuilder2.EditorCommon { /** * Contains information that the pb_AboutEntry.txt file holds. */ [System.Serializable] internal class pb_AboutEntry { public string name; public string identifier; public string version; public string date; public string changelogPath; public const string KEY_NAME = "name: "; public const string KEY_IDENTIFIER = "identifier: "; public const string KEY_VERSION = "version: "; public const string KEY_DATE = "date: "; public const string KEY_CHANGELOG = "changelog: "; } /** * Utility methods for finding and extracting version & changelog information. */ internal static class pb_VersionUtil { /** * Get information from the currently installed ProBuilder version. */ public static bool GetAboutEntry(out pb_AboutEntry about) { about = null; string[] matches = Directory.GetFiles("./Assets", "pc_AboutEntry_ProBuilder.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if(matches == null || matches.Length < 1) return false; for(int i = 0; i < matches.Length && about == null; i++) about = ParseAboutEntry(matches[i]); return about != null; } public static bool GetCurrent(out pb_VersionInfo version) { pb_AboutEntry about; if(!GetAboutEntry(out about)) { version = new pb_VersionInfo(); return false; } version = pb_VersionInfo.FromString(about.version); return true; } /** * Extracts and formats the latest changelog entry into rich text. Also grabs the version. */ public static bool FormatChangelog(string raw, out pb_VersionInfo version, out string formatted_changes) { bool success = true; // get first version entry string[] split = Regex.Split(raw, "(?mi)^#\\s", RegexOptions.Multiline); // get the version info try { Match versionMatch = Regex.Match(split[1], @"(?<=^ProBuilder\s).[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*[a-z][0-9]*"); version = pb_VersionInfo.FromString(versionMatch.Success ? versionMatch.Value : split[1].Split('\n')[0]); } catch { version = pb_VersionInfo.FromString("not found"); success = false; } try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string[] newLineSplit = split[1].Trim().Split('\n'); for(int i = 2; i < newLineSplit.Length; i++) sb.AppendLine(newLineSplit[i]); formatted_changes = sb.ToString(); formatted_changes = Regex.Replace(formatted_changes, "^-", "\u2022", RegexOptions.Multiline); formatted_changes = Regex.Replace(formatted_changes, @"(?<=^##\\s).*", "${0}", RegexOptions.Multiline); formatted_changes = Regex.Replace(formatted_changes, @"^##\ ", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); } catch { formatted_changes = ""; success = false; } return success; } private static pb_AboutEntry ParseAboutEntry(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) return null; pb_AboutEntry about = new pb_AboutEntry(); foreach(string str in File.ReadAllLines(path)) { if(str.StartsWith(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_NAME)) = str.Replace(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_NAME, "").Trim(); else if(str.StartsWith(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_IDENTIFIER)) about.identifier = str.Replace(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_IDENTIFIER, "").Trim(); else if(str.StartsWith(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_VERSION)) about.version = str.Replace(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_VERSION, "").Trim(); else if(str.StartsWith(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_DATE)) = str.Replace(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_DATE, "").Trim(); else if(str.StartsWith(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_CHANGELOG)) about.changelogPath = str.Replace(pb_AboutEntry.KEY_CHANGELOG, "").Trim(); } return about; } } }