using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; using PHandleUtility = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.HandleUtility; using UHandleUtility = UnityEditor.HandleUtility; using RaycastHit = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.RaycastHit; namespace UnityEditor.ProBuilder { struct ScenePickerPreferences { public float maxPointerDistance; public float offPointerMultiplier; public CullingMode cullMode; public SelectionModifierBehavior selectionModifierBehavior; public RectSelectMode rectSelectMode; } static class EditorSceneViewPicker { static int s_DeepSelectionPrevious = 0x0; static bool s_AppendModifierPreviousState = false; static SceneSelection s_Selection = new SceneSelection(); static List s_NearestVertices = new List(); static List s_OverlappingGameObjects = new List(); static readonly List s_IndexBuffer = new List(16); static List s_EdgeBuffer = new List(32); public static ProBuilderMesh DoMouseClick(Event evt, SelectMode selectionMode, ScenePickerPreferences pickerPreferences) { bool appendModifier = EditorHandleUtility.IsAppendModifier(evt.modifiers); if (!appendModifier) MeshSelection.SetSelection((GameObject)null); float pickedElementDistance = Mathf.Infinity; if (selectionMode.ContainsFlag(SelectMode.Edge | SelectMode.TextureEdge)) pickedElementDistance = EdgeRaycast(evt.mousePosition, pickerPreferences, true, s_Selection); else if (selectionMode.ContainsFlag(SelectMode.Vertex | SelectMode.TextureVertex)) pickedElementDistance = VertexRaycast(evt.mousePosition, pickerPreferences, true, s_Selection); else pickedElementDistance = FaceRaycast(evt.mousePosition, pickerPreferences, true, s_Selection, evt.clickCount > 1 ? -1 : 0, false); evt.Use(); if (pickedElementDistance > pickerPreferences.maxPointerDistance) { if (appendModifier && Selection.gameObjects.Contains(s_Selection.gameObject)) MeshSelection.RemoveFromSelection(s_Selection.gameObject); else MeshSelection.AddToSelection(s_Selection.gameObject); return null; } MeshSelection.AddToSelection(s_Selection.gameObject); if (s_Selection.mesh != null) { var mesh = s_Selection.mesh; if (s_Selection.face != null) { // Check for other editor mouse shortcuts first (todo proper event handling for mouse shortcuts) MaterialEditor matEditor = MaterialEditor.instance; if (matEditor != null && matEditor.ClickShortcutCheck(Event.current.modifiers, mesh, s_Selection.face)) return null; UVEditor uvEditor = UVEditor.instance; if (uvEditor != null && uvEditor.ClickShortcutCheck(mesh, s_Selection.face)) return null; var faces = mesh.faces as Face[] ?? mesh.faces.ToArray(); var ind = Array.IndexOf(faces, s_Selection.face); var sel = mesh.selectedFaceIndexes.IndexOf(ind); UndoUtility.RecordSelection(mesh, "Select Face"); if (sel > -1) mesh.RemoveFromFaceSelectionAtIndex(sel); else mesh.AddToFaceSelection(ind); } else if (s_Selection.edge != Edge.Empty) { int ind = mesh.IndexOf(mesh.selectedEdges, s_Selection.edge); UndoUtility.RecordSelection(mesh, "Select Edge"); if (ind > -1) mesh.SetSelectedEdges(mesh.selectedEdges.ToArray().RemoveAt(ind)); else mesh.SetSelectedEdges(mesh.selectedEdges.ToArray().Add(s_Selection.edge)); } else if (s_Selection.vertex > -1) { int ind = Array.IndexOf(mesh.selectedIndexesInternal, s_Selection.vertex); UndoUtility.RecordSelection(mesh, "Select Vertex"); if (ind > -1) { var sharedIndex = mesh.sharedVertexLookup[s_Selection.vertex]; var sharedVertex = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal[sharedIndex]; s_IndexBuffer.Clear(); foreach (var vertex in sharedVertex) { var index = Array.IndexOf(mesh.selectedIndexesInternal, vertex); if (index < 0) continue; s_IndexBuffer.Add(index); } s_IndexBuffer.Sort(); mesh.SetSelectedVertices(mesh.selectedIndexesInternal.SortedRemoveAt(s_IndexBuffer)); } else mesh.SetSelectedVertices(mesh.selectedIndexesInternal.Add(s_Selection.vertex)); } return mesh; } return null; } public static void DoMouseDrag(Rect mouseDragRect, SelectMode selectionMode, ScenePickerPreferences scenePickerPreferences) { var pickingOptions = new PickerOptions() { depthTest = scenePickerPreferences.cullMode == CullingMode.Back, rectSelectMode = scenePickerPreferences.rectSelectMode }; UndoUtility.RecordSelection("Drag Select"); bool isAppendModifier = EditorHandleUtility.IsAppendModifier(Event.current.modifiers); if (!isAppendModifier) MeshSelection.ClearElementSelection(); bool elementsInDragRect = false; switch (selectionMode) { case SelectMode.Vertex: case SelectMode.TextureVertex: { Dictionary> selected = SelectionPicker.PickVerticesInRect(, mouseDragRect, MeshSelection.topInternal, pickingOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); foreach (var kvp in selected) { var mesh = kvp.Key; SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal; HashSet common; if (isAppendModifier) { common = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandles(mesh.selectedIndexesInternal); if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Add) common.UnionWith(kvp.Value); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Subtract) common.RemoveWhere(x => kvp.Value.Contains(x)); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Difference) common.SymmetricExceptWith(kvp.Value); } else { common = kvp.Value; } elementsInDragRect |= kvp.Value.Any(); mesh.SetSelectedVertices(common.SelectMany(x => sharedIndexes[x])); } break; } case SelectMode.Face: case SelectMode.TextureFace: { Dictionary> selected = SelectionPicker.PickFacesInRect(, mouseDragRect, MeshSelection.topInternal, pickingOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); foreach (var kvp in selected) { HashSet current; if (isAppendModifier) { current = new HashSet(kvp.Key.selectedFacesInternal); if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Add) current.UnionWith(kvp.Value); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Subtract) current.RemoveWhere(x => kvp.Value.Contains(x)); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Difference) current.SymmetricExceptWith(kvp.Value); } else { current = kvp.Value; } elementsInDragRect |= kvp.Value.Any(); kvp.Key.SetSelectedFaces(current); } break; } case SelectMode.Edge: case SelectMode.TextureEdge: { var selected = SelectionPicker.PickEdgesInRect(, mouseDragRect, MeshSelection.topInternal, pickingOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); foreach (var kvp in selected) { ProBuilderMesh mesh = kvp.Key; Dictionary common = mesh.sharedVertexLookup; HashSet selectedEdges = EdgeLookup.GetEdgeLookupHashSet(kvp.Value, common); HashSet current; if (isAppendModifier) { current = EdgeLookup.GetEdgeLookupHashSet(mesh.selectedEdges, common); if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Add) current.UnionWith(selectedEdges); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Subtract) current.RemoveWhere(x => selectedEdges.Contains(x)); else if (scenePickerPreferences.selectionModifierBehavior == SelectionModifierBehavior.Difference) current.SymmetricExceptWith(selectedEdges); } else { current = selectedEdges; } elementsInDragRect |= kvp.Value.Any(); mesh.SetSelectedEdges(current.Select(x => x.local)); } break; } } // if nothing was selected in the drag rect, clear the object selection too if (!elementsInDragRect && !isAppendModifier) MeshSelection.ClearElementAndObjectSelection(); ProBuilderEditor.Refresh(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } // Get the object & mesh selection that the mouse is currently nearest. // A ProBuilderMesh is returned because double click actions need to know what the last selected pb_Object was. // If deepClickOffset is specified, the object + deepClickOffset in the deep select stack will be returned (instead of next). internal static float MouseRayHitTest( Vector3 mousePosition, SelectMode selectionMode, ScenePickerPreferences pickerOptions, SceneSelection selection, bool allowUnselected = false) { if (selectionMode.ContainsFlag(SelectMode.Edge | SelectMode.TextureEdge)) return EdgeRaycast(mousePosition, pickerOptions, allowUnselected, selection); if (selectionMode.ContainsFlag(SelectMode.Vertex | SelectMode.TextureVertex)) return VertexRaycast(mousePosition, pickerOptions, allowUnselected, selection); return FaceRaycast(mousePosition, pickerOptions, allowUnselected, selection, 0, true); } static float FaceRaycast(Vector3 mousePosition, ScenePickerPreferences pickerOptions, bool allowUnselected, SceneSelection selection, int deepClickOffset = 0, bool isPreview = true) { GameObject pickedGo = null; ProBuilderMesh pickedPb = null; Face pickedFace = null; int newHash = 0; // If any event modifiers are engaged don't cycle the deep click EventModifiers em = Event.current.modifiers; // Reset cycle if we used an event modifier previously. // Move state back to single selection. if ((em != EventModifiers.None) != s_AppendModifierPreviousState) { s_AppendModifierPreviousState = (em != EventModifiers.None); s_DeepSelectionPrevious = newHash; } if (isPreview || em != EventModifiers.None) EditorHandleUtility.GetHovered(mousePosition, s_OverlappingGameObjects); else EditorHandleUtility.GetAllOverlapping(mousePosition, s_OverlappingGameObjects); selection.Clear(); float distance = Mathf.Infinity; for (int i = 0, next = 0, pickedCount = s_OverlappingGameObjects.Count; i < pickedCount; i++) { var go = s_OverlappingGameObjects[i]; var mesh = go.GetComponent(); Face face = null; if (mesh != null && (allowUnselected || MeshSelection.topInternal.Contains(mesh))) { Ray ray = UHandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (UnityEngine.ProBuilder.HandleUtility.FaceRaycast(ray, mesh, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, pickerOptions.cullMode)) { face = mesh.facesInternal[hit.face]; distance = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(((Vector2)mousePosition) - HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(mesh.transform.TransformPoint(hit.point))); } } // pb_Face doesn't define GetHashCode, meaning it falls to object.GetHashCode (reference comparison) int hash = face == null ? go.GetHashCode() : face.GetHashCode(); if (s_DeepSelectionPrevious == hash) next = (i + (1 + deepClickOffset)) % pickedCount; if (next == i) { pickedGo = go; pickedPb = mesh; pickedFace = face; newHash = hash; // a prior hash was matched, this is the next. if // it's just the first iteration don't break (but do // set the default). if (next != 0) break; } } if (!isPreview) s_DeepSelectionPrevious = newHash; if (pickedGo != null) { Event.current.Use(); if (pickedPb != null) { if (pickedPb.selectable) { selection.gameObject = pickedGo; selection.mesh = pickedPb; selection.face = pickedFace; return Mathf.Sqrt(distance); } } // If clicked off a pb_Object but onto another gameobject, set the selection // and dip out. selection.gameObject = pickedGo; return Mathf.Sqrt(distance); } return distance; } static float VertexRaycast(Vector3 mousePosition, ScenePickerPreferences pickerOptions, bool allowUnselected, SceneSelection selection) { Camera cam =; selection.Clear(); s_NearestVertices.Clear(); selection.gameObject = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(mousePosition, false); float maxDistance = pickerOptions.maxPointerDistance * pickerOptions.maxPointerDistance; ProBuilderMesh hoveredMesh = selection.gameObject != null ? selection.gameObject.GetComponent() : null; if (allowUnselected && selection.gameObject != null) { if (hoveredMesh != null && hoveredMesh.selectable && !MeshSelection.Contains(hoveredMesh)) { GetNearestVertices(hoveredMesh, mousePosition, s_NearestVertices, maxDistance, 1); } } if (selection.mesh == null) { foreach (var mesh in MeshSelection.topInternal) { if (!mesh.selectable) continue; GetNearestVertices(mesh, mousePosition, s_NearestVertices, maxDistance, hoveredMesh == mesh || hoveredMesh == null ? 1.0f : pickerOptions.offPointerMultiplier); } } s_NearestVertices.Sort((x, y) => x.screenDistance.CompareTo(y.screenDistance)); for (int i = 0; i < s_NearestVertices.Count; i++) { if (!UnityEngine.ProBuilder.HandleUtility.PointIsOccluded(cam, s_NearestVertices[i].mesh, s_NearestVertices[i].worldPosition)) { selection.gameObject = s_NearestVertices[i].mesh.gameObject; selection.mesh = s_NearestVertices[i].mesh; selection.vertex = s_NearestVertices[i].vertex; return Mathf.Sqrt(s_NearestVertices[i].screenDistance); } } return Mathf.Infinity; } static int GetNearestVertices(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Vector3 mousePosition, List list, float maxDistance, float distModifier) { var positions = mesh.positionsInternal; var common = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal; var matches = 0; for (int n = 0, c = common.Length; n < c; n++) { int index = common[n][0]; Vector3 v = mesh.transform.TransformPoint(positions[index]); Vector3 p = UHandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(v); float dist = (p - mousePosition).sqrMagnitude * distModifier; if (dist < maxDistance) { list.Add(new VertexPickerEntry() { mesh = mesh, screenDistance = dist, worldPosition = v, vertex = index }); matches++; } } return matches; } static float EdgeRaycast(Vector3 mousePosition, ScenePickerPreferences pickerPrefs, bool allowUnselected, SceneSelection selection) { selection.Clear(); selection.gameObject = UHandleUtility.PickGameObject(mousePosition, false); var hoveredMesh = selection.gameObject != null ? selection.gameObject.GetComponent() : null; float bestDistance = pickerPrefs.maxPointerDistance; float unselectedBestDistance = bestDistance; bool hoveredIsInSelection = MeshSelection.topInternal.Contains(hoveredMesh); if (hoveredMesh != null && (allowUnselected || hoveredIsInSelection)) { var tup = GetNearestEdgeOnMesh(hoveredMesh, mousePosition); if (tup.edge.IsValid() && tup.distance < pickerPrefs.maxPointerDistance) { selection.gameObject = hoveredMesh.gameObject; selection.mesh = hoveredMesh; selection.edge = tup.edge; unselectedBestDistance = tup.distance; // if it's in the selection, it automatically wins as best. if not, treat this is a fallback. if (hoveredIsInSelection) return tup.distance; } } foreach (var mesh in MeshSelection.topInternal) { var trs = mesh.transform; var positions = mesh.positionsInternal; s_EdgeBuffer.Clear(); //When the pointer is over another object, apply a modifier to the distance to prefer picking the object hovered over the currently selected var distMultiplier = (hoveredMesh == mesh || hoveredMesh == null) ? 1.0f : pickerPrefs.offPointerMultiplier; foreach (var face in mesh.facesInternal) { foreach (var edge in face.edges) { int x = edge.a; int y = edge.b; float d = UHandleUtility.DistanceToLine( trs.TransformPoint(positions[x]), trs.TransformPoint(positions[y])); d *= distMultiplier; if (d == bestDistance) { s_EdgeBuffer.Add(new Edge(x, y)); } else if (d < bestDistance) { s_EdgeBuffer.Clear(); s_EdgeBuffer.Add(new Edge(x, y)); selection.gameObject = mesh.gameObject; selection.mesh = mesh; selection.edge = new Edge(x, y); bestDistance = d; } } } //If more than 1 edge is closest, the closest is one of the vertex. //Get closest edge to the camera. if (s_EdgeBuffer.Count > 1) selection.edge = GetClosestEdgeToCamera(positions, s_EdgeBuffer); } if (selection.gameObject != null) { if (bestDistance < pickerPrefs.maxPointerDistance) return bestDistance; return unselectedBestDistance; } return Mathf.Infinity; } static Edge GetClosestEdgeToCamera(Vector3[] positions, IEnumerable edges) { var camPos =; var closestDistToScreen = Mathf.Infinity; Edge closest = default(Edge); foreach (var edge in edges) { var a = positions[edge.a]; var b = positions[edge.b]; var dir = (b - a).normalized * 0.01f; //Use a point that is close to the vertex on the edge but not on it, //otherwise we will have the same issue with every edge having the same distance to screen float dToScreen = Mathf.Min( Vector3.Distance(camPos, a + dir), Vector3.Distance(camPos, b - dir)); if (dToScreen < closestDistToScreen) { closestDistToScreen = dToScreen; closest = edge; } } return closest; } struct EdgeAndDistance { public Edge edge; public float distance; } static EdgeAndDistance GetNearestEdgeOnMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Vector3 mousePosition) { Ray ray = UHandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mousePosition); var res = new EdgeAndDistance() { edge = Edge.Empty, distance = Mathf.Infinity }; SimpleTuple s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace = new SimpleTuple(); SimpleTuple s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace = new SimpleTuple(); // get the nearest hit face and point for both cull mode front and back, then prefer the result that is nearest the camera. if (PHandleUtility.FaceRaycastBothCullModes(ray, mesh, ref s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace, ref s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace)) { Vector3[] v = mesh.positionsInternal; if (s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace.item1 != null) { foreach (var edge in s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace.item1.edgesInternal) { float d = UHandleUtility.DistancePointLine(s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace.item2, v[edge.a], v[edge.b]); if (d < res.distance) { res.edge = edge; res.distance = d; } } } if (s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace.item1 != null) { var a = mesh.transform.TransformPoint(s_DualCullModeRaycastBackFace.item2); var b = mesh.transform.TransformPoint(s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace.item2); var c =; if (Vector3.Distance(c, b) < Vector3.Distance(c, a)) { foreach (var edge in s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace.item1.edgesInternal) { float d = UHandleUtility.DistancePointLine(s_DualCullModeRaycastFrontFace.item2, v[edge.a], v[edge.b]); if (d < res.distance) { res.edge = edge; res.distance = d; } } } } if (res.edge.IsValid()) res.distance = UHandleUtility.DistanceToLine( mesh.transform.TransformPoint(v[res.edge.a]), mesh.transform.TransformPoint(v[res.edge.b])); } return res; } } }