using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; namespace UnityEditor.ProBuilder { [System.Serializable] sealed class EditorToolbar : ScriptableObject { EditorToolbar() {} Pref m_Scroll = new Pref("editor.scrollPosition",, SettingsScope.User); public EditorWindow window; bool isFloating { get { return ProBuilderEditor.instance != null && ProBuilderEditor.instance.isFloatingWindow; } } bool isIconMode = true; [UserSetting("Toolbar", "Shift Key Tooltips", "Tooltips will only show when the Shift key is held")] internal static Pref s_ShiftOnlyTooltips = new Pref("editor.shiftOnlyTooltips", false, SettingsScope.User); SimpleTuple tooltipTimer = new SimpleTuple("", 0.0); // the element currently being hovered string hoveringTooltipName = ""; // the mouse has hovered > tooltipTimerRefresh bool showTooltipTimer = false; // how long a tooltip will wait before showing float tooltipTimerRefresh = 1f; Texture2D scrollIconUp = null, scrollIconDown = null, scrollIconRight = null, scrollIconLeft = null; [SerializeField] List m_Actions; [SerializeField] int m_ActionsLength = 0; public void InitWindowProperties(EditorWindow win) { win.wantsMouseMove = true; win.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true; this.window = win; } void OnEnable() { m_Actions = EditorToolbarLoader.GetActions(true); m_ActionsLength = m_Actions.Count(); ProBuilderEditor.selectionUpdated -= OnElementSelectionChange; ProBuilderEditor.selectionUpdated += OnElementSelectionChange; EditorApplication.update -= Update; EditorApplication.update += Update; tooltipTimer.item1 = ""; tooltipTimer.item2 = 0.0; showTooltipTimer = false; scrollIconUp = IconUtility.GetIcon("Toolbar/ShowNextPage_Up"); scrollIconDown = IconUtility.GetIcon("Toolbar/ShowNextPage_Down"); scrollIconRight = IconUtility.GetIcon("Toolbar/ShowNextPage_Right"); scrollIconLeft = IconUtility.GetIcon("Toolbar/ShowNextPage_Left"); isIconMode = ProBuilderEditor.s_IsIconGui; this.window = ProBuilderEditor.instance; CalculateMaxIconSize(); } void OnDisable() { // don't unsubscribe here because on exiting playmode OnEnable/OnDisable // is called. no clue why. // EditorApplication.update -= Update; ProBuilderEditor.selectionUpdated -= OnElementSelectionChange; } void OnDestroy() { // store the scroll in both disable & destroy because there are // situations where one gets updated over the other and it's all // screwy. script reloads in particular? MenuActionStyles.ResetStyles(); } void OnElementSelectionChange(IEnumerable selection) { if (!window) DestroyImmediate(this); else window.Repaint(); } void ShowTooltip(Rect rect, string content, Vector2 scrollOffset) { TooltipContent c = TooltipContent.TempContent; c.summary = content; ShowTooltip(rect, c, scrollOffset); } void ShowTooltip(Rect rect, TooltipContent content, Vector2 scrollOffset) { Rect buttonRect = new Rect( (window.position.x + rect.x) - scrollOffset.x, (window.position.y + rect.y) - scrollOffset.y, rect.width, rect.height); TooltipEditor.Show(buttonRect, content); } void Update() { if (!window) return; if (!s_ShiftOnlyTooltips) { if (!tooltipTimer.item1.Equals(hoveringTooltipName)) { tooltipTimer.item1 = hoveringTooltipName; tooltipTimer.item2 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltipTimer.item1)) { if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - tooltipTimer.item2 > tooltipTimerRefresh) { if (!showTooltipTimer) { showTooltipTimer = true; window.Repaint(); } } else { showTooltipTimer = false; } } } // do scroll animations if (doAnimateScroll) { double scrollTimer = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - scrollStartTime; m_Scroll.value = Vector2.Lerp(scrollOrigin, scrollTarget, (float)scrollTimer / scrollTotalTime); if (scrollTimer >= scrollTotalTime) doAnimateScroll = false; window.Repaint(); } } void CalculateMaxIconSize() { if (!window) return; m_IsHorizontalMenu = window.position.width > window.position.height; Vector2 iconSize = m_Actions[0].GetSize(m_IsHorizontalMenu); m_ContentWidth = (int)iconSize.x + 4; m_ContentHeight = (int)iconSize.y + 4; // if not in icon mode, we have to iterate all buttons to figure out what the maximum size is if (!isIconMode) { for (int i = 1; i < m_Actions.Count; i++) { iconSize = m_Actions[i].GetSize(m_IsHorizontalMenu); m_ContentWidth = System.Math.Max(m_ContentWidth, (int)iconSize.x); m_ContentHeight = System.Math.Max(m_ContentHeight, (int)iconSize.y); } m_ContentWidth += 4; m_ContentHeight += 4; } window.minSize = new Vector2(m_ContentWidth + 6, m_ContentHeight + 4); window.Repaint(); } // animated scrolling vars bool doAnimateScroll = false; Vector2 scrollOrigin =; Vector2 scrollTarget =; double scrollStartTime = 0; float scrollTotalTime = 0f; const float SCROLL_PIXELS_PER_SECOND = 1250f; void StartScrollAnimation(float x, float y) { scrollOrigin = m_Scroll; scrollTarget.x = x; scrollTarget.y = y; scrollStartTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; scrollTotalTime = Vector2.Distance(scrollOrigin, scrollTarget) / SCROLL_PIXELS_PER_SECOND; doAnimateScroll = true; } int SCROLL_BTN_SIZE { get { return isFloating ? 12 : 11; } } int windowWidth { get { return (int)Mathf.Ceil(window.position.width); } } int windowHeight { get { return (int)Mathf.Ceil(window.position.height); } } bool m_ShowScrollButtons = false; bool m_IsHorizontalMenu = false; int m_ContentWidth = 1, m_ContentHeight = 1; int m_Columns; int m_Rows; bool IsActionValid(MenuAction action) { return !action.hidden && (!isIconMode || action.icon != null); } public void OnGUI() { Event e = Event.current; Vector2 mpos = e.mousePosition; bool forceRepaint = false; // if icon mode and no actions are found, that probably means icons failed to load. revert to text mode. int menuActionsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_Actions.Count; i++) if (IsActionValid(m_Actions[i])) menuActionsCount++; if (isIconMode && menuActionsCount < 1) { isIconMode = false; ProBuilderEditor.s_IsIconGui.value = isIconMode; CalculateMaxIconSize(); Debug.LogWarning("ProBuilder: Toolbar icons failed to load, reverting to text mode. Please ensure that the ProBuilder folder contents are unmodified. If the menu is still not visible, try closing and re-opening the Editor Window."); return; } int availableWidth = windowWidth; int availableHeight = windowHeight; bool isHorizontal = windowWidth > windowHeight * 2; if (m_IsHorizontalMenu != isHorizontal || m_Rows < 1 || m_Columns < 1) CalculateMaxIconSize(); if (e.type == EventType.Layout) { if (isHorizontal) { m_Rows = ((windowHeight - 4) / m_ContentHeight); m_Columns = System.Math.Max(windowWidth / m_ContentWidth, (menuActionsCount / m_Rows) + (menuActionsCount % m_Rows != 0 ? 1 : 0)); } else { m_Columns = System.Math.Max((windowWidth - 4) / m_ContentWidth, 1); m_Rows = (menuActionsCount / m_Columns) + (menuActionsCount % m_Columns != 0 ? 1 : 0); } } // happens when maximizing/unmaximizing the window if (m_Rows < 1 || m_Columns < 1) return; int contentWidth = (menuActionsCount / m_Rows) * m_ContentWidth + 4; int contentHeight = m_Rows * m_ContentHeight + 4; bool showScrollButtons = isHorizontal ? contentWidth > availableWidth : contentHeight > availableHeight; if (showScrollButtons) { availableHeight -= SCROLL_BTN_SIZE * 2; availableWidth -= SCROLL_BTN_SIZE * 2; } if (isHorizontal && e.type == EventType.ScrollWheel && > .001f) { m_Scroll.value = new Vector2(m_Scroll.value.x + * 10f, m_Scroll.value.y); forceRepaint = true; } // the math for matching layout group width for icons is easy enough, but text // is a lot more complex. so for horizontal text toolbars always show the horizontal // scroll buttons. int maxHorizontalScroll = !isIconMode ? 10000 : contentWidth - availableWidth; int maxVerticalScroll = contentHeight - availableHeight; // only change before a layout event if (m_ShowScrollButtons != showScrollButtons && e.type == EventType.Layout) m_ShowScrollButtons = showScrollButtons; if (m_ShowScrollButtons) { if (isHorizontal) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = ((Vector2)m_Scroll).x > 0; if (GUILayout.Button(scrollIconLeft, UI.EditorGUIUtility.ButtonNoBackgroundSmallMarginStyle, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) StartScrollAnimation(Mathf.Max(((Vector2)m_Scroll).x - availableWidth, 0f), 0f); GUI.enabled = true; } else { GUI.enabled = ((Vector2)m_Scroll).y > 0; if (GUILayout.Button(scrollIconUp, UI.EditorGUIUtility.ButtonNoBackgroundSmallMarginStyle)) StartScrollAnimation(0f, Mathf.Max(((Vector2)m_Scroll).y - availableHeight, 0f)); GUI.enabled = true; } } m_Scroll.value = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_Scroll.value, false, false, GUIStyle.none, GUIStyle.none, GUIStyle.none); bool tooltipShown = false, hovering = false; Rect optionRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // e.mousePosition != mpos at this point - @todo figure out why bool windowContainsMouse = mpos.x > 0 && mpos.x < window.position.width && mpos.y > 0 && mpos.y < window.position.height; int columnCount = 0; for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < m_ActionsLength; actionIndex++) { MenuAction action = m_Actions[actionIndex]; if (!IsActionValid(action)) continue; if (isIconMode) { if (action.DoButton(isHorizontal, e.alt, ref optionRect, GUILayout.MaxHeight(m_ContentHeight + 12)) && !e.shift) { // test for alt click / hover optionRect.x -= m_Scroll.value.x; optionRect.y -= m_Scroll.value.y; if (windowContainsMouse && e.type != EventType.Layout && optionRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { hoveringTooltipName = action.tooltip.title + "_alt"; tooltipTimerRefresh = .5f; hovering = true; if (showTooltipTimer) { tooltipShown = true; ShowTooltip(optionRect, "Alt + Click for Options", m_Scroll); } } } } else { if (m_Columns < 2) action.DoButton(isHorizontal, e.alt, ref optionRect); else action.DoButton(isHorizontal, e.alt, ref optionRect, GUILayout.MinWidth(m_ContentWidth)); } Rect buttonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (windowContainsMouse && e.type != EventType.Layout && !hovering && buttonRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { hoveringTooltipName = action.tooltip.title; tooltipTimerRefresh = 1f; if (e.shift || showTooltipTimer) { tooltipShown = true; ShowTooltip(buttonRect, action.tooltip, m_Scroll); } hovering = true; forceRepaint = true; } if (++columnCount >= m_Columns) { columnCount = 0; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (m_ShowScrollButtons) { if (isHorizontal) { GUI.enabled = m_Scroll.value.x < maxHorizontalScroll - 2; if (GUILayout.Button(scrollIconRight, UI.EditorGUIUtility.ButtonNoBackgroundSmallMarginStyle, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) StartScrollAnimation(Mathf.Min(m_Scroll.value.x + availableWidth + 2, maxHorizontalScroll), 0f); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { GUI.enabled = m_Scroll.value.y < maxVerticalScroll - 2; if (GUILayout.Button(scrollIconDown, UI.EditorGUIUtility.ButtonNoBackgroundSmallMarginStyle)) StartScrollAnimation(0f, Mathf.Min(m_Scroll.value.y + availableHeight + 2, maxVerticalScroll)); GUI.enabled = true; } } if ((e.type == EventType.Repaint || e.type == EventType.MouseMove) && !tooltipShown) TooltipEditor.Hide(); if (e.type != EventType.Layout && !hovering) tooltipTimer.item1 = ""; if (forceRepaint || (EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == this && > .001f) || e.isMouse) window.Repaint(); } } }