using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; namespace UnityEditor.ProBuilder { /// /// A mesh, material and optional transform matrix combination. /// sealed class Model { // The name of this model. public string name; // vertices public Vertex[] vertices; // Submeshes public Submesh[] submeshes; public Material[] materials; // Optional transform matrix. public Matrix4x4 matrix; /// /// Vertex count for the mesh (corresponds to vertices length). /// public int vertexCount { get { return vertices == null ? 0 : vertices.Length; } } /// /// Submesh count. /// public int submeshCount { get { return submeshes.Length; } } public Model() {} public Model(string name, Mesh mesh, Material material) : this(name, mesh, new Material[] { material }, Matrix4x4.identity) {} public Model(string name, Mesh mesh, Material[] materials, Matrix4x4 matrix) { = name; this.vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); this.matrix = matrix; this.submeshes = new Submesh[mesh.subMeshCount]; this.materials = new Material[mesh.subMeshCount]; int matCount = materials != null ? materials.Length : 0; for (int submeshIndex = 0; submeshIndex < mesh.subMeshCount; submeshIndex++) { submeshes[submeshIndex] = new Submesh(mesh, submeshIndex); if (matCount < 1) materials[submeshIndex] = BuiltinMaterials.defaultMaterial; else this.materials[submeshIndex] = materials[Math.Clamp(submeshIndex, 0, matCount - 1)]; } } /// /// Create a pb_Model from a pb_Object, optionally converting to quad topology. /// /// /// /// public Model(string name, ProBuilderMesh mesh, bool quads = true) { mesh.ToMesh(quads ? MeshTopology.Quads : MeshTopology.Triangles); mesh.Refresh(RefreshMask.UV | RefreshMask.Colors | RefreshMask.Normals | RefreshMask.Tangents); = name; vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); submeshes = Submesh.GetSubmeshes(mesh.facesInternal, MaterialUtility.GetMaterialCount(mesh.renderer), quads ? MeshTopology.Quads : MeshTopology.Triangles); materials = new Material[submeshCount]; for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; ++i) materials[i] = mesh.renderer.sharedMaterials[Math.Clamp(i, 0, materials.Length - 1)]; matrix = mesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix; mesh.ToMesh(MeshTopology.Triangles); mesh.Refresh(); mesh.Optimize(); } } }