using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations; namespace UnityEditor.ProBuilder { /// /// Shape creation panel implementation. /// sealed class ShapeEditor : ConfigurableWindow { abstract class ShapeBuilder { public virtual string name { get { return ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(GetType().Name); } } public abstract void OnGUI(); public abstract ProBuilderMesh Build(bool isPreview = false); } public static void MenuOpenShapeCreator() { GetWindow("Shape Tool"); } Vector2 m_Scroll =; static int s_CurrentIndex = 0; GameObject m_PreviewObject; [UserSetting("Toolbar", "Close Shape Window after Build", "When true the shape window will close after hitting the build button.")] static Pref s_CloseWindowAfterCreateShape = new Pref("editor.closeWindowAfterShapeCreation", false); ShapeBuilder[] m_ShapeBuilders = new ShapeBuilder[] { new Cube(), new Sprite(), new Prism(), new Stair(), new Cylinder(), new Door(), new Plane(), new Pipe(), new Cone(), new Arch(), new Sphere(), new Torus(), new Custom() }; string[] m_ShapeTypes; void OnEnable() { m_ShapeTypes = m_ShapeBuilders.Select(x =>; SetPreviewMesh(m_ShapeBuilders[s_CurrentIndex].Build()); } void OnDestroy() { DestroyPreviewObject(); } [MenuItem("GameObject/3D Object/" + PreferenceKeys.pluginTitle + " Cube _%k")] public static void MenuCreateCube() { ProBuilderMesh mesh = ShapeGenerator.GenerateCube(EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation,; UndoUtility.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(mesh.gameObject, "Create Shape"); EditorUtility.InitObject(mesh); } void OnGUI() { DoContextMenu(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) CreateSelectedShape(true); GUILayout.Label("Shape Selector", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); s_CurrentIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(s_CurrentIndex, m_ShapeTypes); GUILayout.Label("Shape Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); m_Scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_Scroll); var shape = m_ShapeBuilders[s_CurrentIndex]; shape.OnGUI(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) SetPreviewMesh(shape.Build()); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Build")) CreateSelectedShape(); } void CreateSelectedShape(bool forceCloseWindow = false) { var res = m_ShapeBuilders[s_CurrentIndex].Build(); EditorUtility.InitObject(res); ApplyPreviewTransform(res); DestroyPreviewObject(); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(res.gameObject, "Create Shape"); if (forceCloseWindow || s_CloseWindowAfterCreateShape) Close(); } void DestroyPreviewObject() { if (m_PreviewObject != null) { if (m_PreviewObject.GetComponent().sharedMesh != null) DestroyImmediate(m_PreviewObject.GetComponent().sharedMesh); DestroyImmediate(m_PreviewObject); } } void SetPreviewMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh) { ApplyPreviewTransform(mesh); DestroyPreviewObject(); mesh.selectable = false; m_PreviewObject = mesh.gameObject; mesh.preserveMeshAssetOnDestroy = true; var umesh = mesh.mesh; DestroyImmediate(mesh); umesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; m_PreviewObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; m_PreviewObject.GetComponent().sharedMaterial = BuiltinMaterials.ShapePreviewMaterial; Selection.activeTransform = m_PreviewObject.transform; } void ApplyPreviewTransform(ProBuilderMesh mesh) { var position =; var scale =; var rotation = Quaternion.identity; var previous = m_PreviewObject != null; if (previous) { position = m_PreviewObject.transform.position; rotation = m_PreviewObject.transform.localRotation; scale = m_PreviewObject.transform.localScale; } if (previous) { mesh.transform.position = position; mesh.transform.localRotation = rotation; mesh.transform.localScale = scale; } else { EditorUtility.ScreenCenter(mesh.gameObject); EditorUtility.SetPivotLocationAndSnap(mesh); } } class Cube : ShapeBuilder { static Vector3 s_CubeSize =; public override void OnGUI() { s_CubeSize = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Size", s_CubeSize); if (s_CubeSize.x <= 0) s_CubeSize.x = .01f; if (s_CubeSize.y <= 0) s_CubeSize.y = .01f; if (s_CubeSize.z <= 0) s_CubeSize.z = .01f; } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateCube(EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_CubeSize); } } class Sprite : ShapeBuilder { static Axis s_Axis = Axis.Forward; public override void OnGUI() { s_Axis = (Axis)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Axis", s_Axis); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GeneratePlane(EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, 1, 1, 0, 0, s_Axis); } } class Prism : ShapeBuilder { static Vector3 s_PrismSize =; public override void OnGUI() { s_PrismSize = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Size", s_PrismSize); if (s_PrismSize.x < 0) s_PrismSize.x = 0.01f; if (s_PrismSize.y < 0) s_PrismSize.y = 0.01f; if (s_PrismSize.z < 0) s_PrismSize.z = 0.01f; } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GeneratePrism(EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_PrismSize); } } class Stair : ShapeBuilder { static int s_Steps = 6; static Vector3 s_Size = new Vector3(2f, 2.5f, 4f); static float s_Circumference = 0f; static bool s_Sides = true; static bool s_Mirror = false; public override void OnGUI() { s_Steps = (int)Mathf.Max(UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider("Steps", s_Steps, 2, 64), 2); s_Sides = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Sides", s_Sides); s_Circumference = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Curvature", s_Circumference, 0f, 360f); if (s_Circumference > 0f) { s_Mirror = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mirror", s_Mirror); s_Size.x = Mathf.Max( UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider( new GUIContent("Stair Width", "The width of an individual stair step."), s_Size.x, .01f, 10f), .01f); s_Size.y = Mathf.Max( UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider( new GUIContent("Stair Height", "The total height of this staircase. You may enter any value in the float field."), s_Size.y, .01f, 10f), .01f); s_Size.z = Mathf.Max( UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider( new GUIContent("Inner Radius", "The distance from the center that stairs begin."), s_Size.z, 0f, 10f), 0f); } else { s_Size.x = UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider("Width", s_Size.x, 0.01f, 10f); s_Size.y = UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider("Height", s_Size.y, 0.01f, 10f); s_Size.z = UI.EditorGUIUtility.FreeSlider("Depth", s_Size.z, 0.01f, 10f); } } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { if (s_Circumference > 0f) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateCurvedStair( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Size.x, s_Size.y, s_Size.z, s_Mirror ? -s_Circumference : s_Circumference, s_Steps, s_Sides); } return ShapeGenerator.GenerateStair( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Size, s_Steps, s_Sides); } } class Cylinder : ShapeBuilder { static int s_AxisSegments = 8; static float s_Radius = .5f; static float s_Height = 1f; static int s_HeighSegments = 0; static bool s_Smooth = true; public override void OnGUI() { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius", s_Radius); s_Radius = Mathf.Clamp(s_Radius, .01f, Mathf.Infinity); s_AxisSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Sides", s_AxisSegments); s_AxisSegments = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Math.Clamp(s_AxisSegments, 4, 48); s_Height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Height", s_Height); s_HeighSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height Segments", s_HeighSegments); s_HeighSegments = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Math.Clamp(s_HeighSegments, 0, 48); s_Smooth = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Smooth", s_Smooth); if (s_AxisSegments % 2 != 0) s_AxisSegments++; if (s_HeighSegments < 0) s_HeighSegments = 0; } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateCylinder( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_AxisSegments, s_Radius, s_Height, s_HeighSegments, s_Smooth ? 1 : -1); } } class Door : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Width = 4.0f; static float s_Height = 4.0f; static float s_LedgeHeight = 1.0f; static float s_LegWidth = 1.0f; static float s_Depth = 0.5f; public override void OnGUI() { s_Width = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Total Width", s_Width); s_Width = Mathf.Clamp(s_Width, 1.0f, 500.0f); s_Height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Total Height", s_Height); s_Height = Mathf.Clamp(s_Height, 1.0f, 500.0f); s_Depth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Total Depth", s_Depth); s_Depth = Mathf.Clamp(s_Depth, 0.01f, 500.0f); s_LedgeHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Door Height", s_LedgeHeight); s_LedgeHeight = Mathf.Clamp(s_LedgeHeight, 0.01f, 500.0f); s_LegWidth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Leg Width", s_LegWidth); s_LegWidth = Mathf.Clamp(s_LegWidth, 0.01f, 2.0f); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateDoor( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Width, s_Height, s_LedgeHeight, s_LegWidth, s_Depth); } } class Plane : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Height = 10; static float s_Width = 10; static int s_HeightSegments = 3; static int s_WidthSegments = 3; static Axis s_Axis = Axis.Up; public override void OnGUI() { s_Axis = (Axis)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Axis", s_Axis); s_Width = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Width", s_Width); s_Height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Length", s_Height); if (s_Height < 1f) s_Height = 1f; if (s_Width < 1f) s_Width = 1f; s_WidthSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Width Segments", s_WidthSegments); s_HeightSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Length Segments", s_HeightSegments); if (s_WidthSegments < 0) s_WidthSegments = 0; if (s_HeightSegments < 0) s_HeightSegments = 0; } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GeneratePlane( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Height, s_Width, s_HeightSegments, s_WidthSegments, s_Axis); } } class Pipe : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Radius = 1f; static float s_Height = 2f; static float s_Thickness = .2f; static int s_AxisSegments = 6; static int s_HeightSegments = 1; public override void OnGUI() { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius", s_Radius); s_Height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Height", s_Height); s_Thickness = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Thickness", s_Thickness); s_AxisSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Sides", s_AxisSegments); s_HeightSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height Segments", s_HeightSegments); if (s_Radius < .1f) s_Radius = .1f; if (s_Height < .1f) s_Height = .1f; s_HeightSegments = (int)Mathf.Clamp(s_HeightSegments, 0f, 32f); s_Thickness = Mathf.Clamp(s_Thickness, .01f, s_Radius - .01f); s_AxisSegments = (int)Mathf.Clamp(s_AxisSegments, 3f, 32f); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GeneratePipe( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Radius, s_Height, s_Thickness, s_AxisSegments, s_HeightSegments ); } } class Cone : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Radius = 1f; static float s_Height = 2f; static int s_AxisSegments = 6; public override void OnGUI() { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius", s_Radius); s_Height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Height", s_Height); s_AxisSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Sides", s_AxisSegments); if (s_Radius < .1f) s_Radius = .1f; if (s_Height < .1f) s_Height = .1f; s_AxisSegments = (int)Mathf.Clamp(s_AxisSegments, 3f, 32f); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateCone( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Radius, s_Height, s_AxisSegments ); } } class Arch : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Angle = 180.0f; static float s_Radius = 3.0f; static float s_Width = 0.50f; static float s_Depth = 1f; static int s_RadiusSegments = 6; static bool s_EndCaps = true; const bool k_InsideFaces = true; const bool k_OutsideFaces = true; const bool k_FrontFaces = true; const bool k_BackFaces = true; public override void OnGUI() { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius", s_Radius); s_Radius = s_Radius <= 0f ? .01f : s_Radius; s_Width = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Thickness", s_Width); s_Width = Mathf.Clamp(s_Width, 0.01f, 100f); s_Depth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Depth", s_Depth); s_Depth = Mathf.Clamp(s_Depth, 0.1f, 500.0f); s_RadiusSegments = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Sides", s_RadiusSegments); s_RadiusSegments = Mathf.Clamp(s_RadiusSegments, 2, 200); s_Angle = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Arch Degrees", s_Angle); s_Angle = Mathf.Clamp(s_Angle, 0.0f, 360.0f); if (s_Angle < 360f) s_EndCaps = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("End Caps", s_EndCaps); if (s_Angle > 180f) s_RadiusSegments = System.Math.Max(3, s_RadiusSegments); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { return ShapeGenerator.GenerateArch( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Angle, s_Radius, Mathf.Clamp(s_Width, 0.01f, s_Radius), s_Depth, s_RadiusSegments + 1, k_InsideFaces, k_OutsideFaces, k_FrontFaces, k_BackFaces, s_EndCaps); } } class Sphere : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Radius = 1f; static int s_Subdivisions = 1; public override void OnGUI() { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Radius", s_Radius, 0.01f, 10f); s_Subdivisions = (int)EditorGUILayout.Slider("Subdivisions", s_Subdivisions, 0, 4); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool preview = false) { // To keep the preview snappy, shared indexes aren't built in IcosahadreonGenerator var mesh = ShapeGenerator.GenerateIcosahedron( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Radius, s_Subdivisions, !preview); if (!preview) UVEditing.ProjectFacesBox(mesh, mesh.facesInternal); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.facesInternal.Length; i++) mesh.facesInternal[i].manualUV = true; return mesh; } } class Torus : ShapeBuilder { static float s_Radius = 1f; static float s_TubeRadius = .3f; static int s_Rows = 16; static int s_Columns = 24; static bool s_Smooth = true; static float s_HorizontalCirumference = 360f; static float s_VerticalCircumference = 360f; static Vector2 s_InnerOuter = new Vector2(1f, .7f); static Pref s_UseInnerOuterMethod = new Pref("shape.torusDefinesInnerOuter", false, SettingsScope.User); public override void OnGUI() { s_Rows = (int)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider( new GUIContent("Rows", "How many rows the torus will have. More equates to smoother geometry."), s_Rows, 3, 32); s_Columns = (int)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider( new GUIContent("Columns", "How many columns the torus will have. More equates to smoother geometry."), s_Columns, 3, 64); s_UseInnerOuterMethod.value = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Define Inner / Out Radius", s_UseInnerOuterMethod); if (!s_UseInnerOuterMethod) { s_Radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius", s_Radius); if (s_Radius < .001f) s_Radius = .001f; s_TubeRadius = UI.EditorGUIUtility.Slider( new GUIContent("Tube Radius", "How thick the donut will be."), s_TubeRadius, .01f, s_Radius); } else { s_InnerOuter.x = s_Radius; s_InnerOuter.y = s_Radius - (s_TubeRadius * 2f); s_InnerOuter.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Outer Radius", s_InnerOuter.x); s_InnerOuter.y = UI.EditorGUIUtility.Slider( new GUIContent("Inner Radius", "Distance from center to inside of donut ring."), s_InnerOuter.y, .001f, s_InnerOuter.x); s_Radius = s_InnerOuter.x; s_TubeRadius = (s_InnerOuter.x - s_InnerOuter.y) * .5f; } s_HorizontalCirumference = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Horizontal Circumference", s_HorizontalCirumference, .01f, 360f); s_VerticalCircumference = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Vertical Circumference", s_VerticalCircumference, .01f, 360f); s_Smooth = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Smooth", s_Smooth); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool isPreview = false) { var mesh = ShapeGenerator.GenerateTorus( EditorUtility.newShapePivotLocation, s_Rows, s_Columns, s_Radius, s_TubeRadius, s_Smooth, s_HorizontalCirumference, s_VerticalCircumference, true); UVEditing.ProjectFacesBox(mesh, mesh.facesInternal); return mesh; } } class Custom : ShapeBuilder { static Vector2 scrollbar = new Vector2(0f, 0f); static string verts = "//Vertical Plane\n0, 0, 0\n1, 0, 0\n0, 1, 0\n1, 1, 0\n"; public override void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Custom Geometry", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Vertices must be wound in faces, and counter-clockwise.\n(Think horizontally reversed Z)", MessageType.Info); scrollbar = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollbar); verts = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(verts, GUILayout.MinHeight(160)); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } public override ProBuilderMesh Build(bool isPreview = false) { var positions = InternalUtility.StringToVector3Array(verts); if (positions.Length % 4 == 0) return ProBuilderMesh.CreateInstanceWithPoints( InternalUtility.StringToVector3Array(verts) ); return ProBuilderMesh.Create(); } } } }