using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations; namespace UnityEditor.ProBuilder { class TextureMoveTool : TextureTool { static readonly float k_Vector3Magnitude =; Vector3 m_Position =; protected class TranslateTextureSelection : MeshAndTextures { SimpleTuple[] m_FaceAndScale; public SimpleTuple[] faceAndScale { get { return m_FaceAndScale; } } public TranslateTextureSelection(ProBuilderMesh mesh, PivotPoint pivot, HandleOrientation orientation) : base(mesh, pivot, orientation) { var faces = mesh.faces; m_FaceAndScale = mesh.selectedFaceIndexes.Select(x => new SimpleTuple(faces[x], UVEditing.GetUVTransform(mesh, faces[x]).scale)) .ToArray(); } } internal override MeshAndElementSelection GetElementSelection(ProBuilderMesh mesh, PivotPoint pivot, HandleOrientation orientation) { return new TranslateTextureSelection(mesh, pivot, orientation); } protected override void DoTool(Vector3 handlePosition, Quaternion handleRotation) { if (!isEditing) m_Position =; EditorHandleUtility.PushMatrix(); Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(handlePosition, handleRotation,; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Handles.color =; m_Position = Handles.Slider2D(m_Position, Vector3.forward, Vector3.right, Vector3.up, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(m_Position) * .2f, Handles.RectangleHandleCap, 0f, false); Handles.color =; m_Position = Handles.Slider(m_Position, Vector3.up); Handles.color =; m_Position = Handles.Slider(m_Position, Vector3.right); Handles.color = Color.white; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (!isEditing) BeginEdit("Translate Textures"); if (relativeSnapEnabled) { m_Position.x = Snapping.SnapValue(m_Position.x, relativeSnapX); m_Position.y = Snapping.SnapValue(m_Position.y, relativeSnapY); } else if (progridsSnapEnabled) { m_Position.x = Snapping.SnapValue(m_Position.x, progridsSnapValue); m_Position.y = Snapping.SnapValue(m_Position.y, progridsSnapValue); } // invert `y` because to users it's confusing that "up" in UV space visually moves the texture down var delta = new Vector4(m_Position.x, -m_Position.y, 0f, 0f); foreach (var value in elementSelection) { var selection = value as TranslateTextureSelection; if (selection == null) continue; // Account for object scale delta *= k_Vector3Magnitude / selection.mesh.transform.lossyScale.magnitude; var origins =; var positions = selection.textures; // Translating faces is treated as a special case because we want the textures in scene to visually // match the movement of the translation handle. When UVs are scaled, they have the appearance of // moving faster or slower (even though they are translating the correct distances). To avoid this, // we cache the UV scale of each face and modify the translation delta accordingly. This isn't perfect, // as it will not be able to find the scale for sheared or otherwise distorted face UVs. However, for // most cases it maps quite well. if (ProBuilderEditor.selectMode == SelectMode.TextureFace) { foreach (var face in selection.faceAndScale) { var faceDelta = new Vector4(delta.x / face.item2.x, delta.y / face.item2.y, 0f, 0f); foreach (var index in face.item1.distinctIndexes) positions[index] = origins[index] + faceDelta; } } else { foreach (var group in value.elementGroups) { foreach (var index in group.indices) positions[index] = origins[index] + delta; } } selection.mesh.mesh.SetUVs(k_TextureChannel, positions); } } EditorHandleUtility.PopMatrix(); } } }