using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Stl { /** * Describes the file format of an STL file. */ [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public enum FileType { Ascii, Binary }; /** * Export STL files from Unity mesh assets. */ static class pb_Stl { /** * Write a mesh file to STL. */ public static bool WriteFile(string path, Mesh mesh, FileType type = FileType.Ascii, bool convertToRightHandedCoordinates = true) { return WriteFile(path, new Mesh[] { mesh }, type, convertToRightHandedCoordinates); } /** * Write a collection of mesh assets to an STL file. * No transformations are performed on meshes in this method. * Eg, if you want to export a set of a meshes in a transform * hierarchy the meshes should be transformed prior to this call. * * string path - Where to write the file. * IList meshes - The mesh assets to write. * FileType type - How to format the file (in ASCII or binary). */ public static bool WriteFile(string path, IList meshes, FileType type = FileType.Ascii, bool convertToRightHandedCoordinates = true) { try { switch(type) { case FileType.Binary: { // // using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(path, FileMode.Create), new ASCIIEncoding())) { // 80 byte header writer.Write(new byte[80]); uint totalTriangleCount = (uint) (meshes.Sum(x => x.triangles.Length) / 3); // unsigned long facet count (4 bytes) writer.Write( totalTriangleCount ); foreach(Mesh mesh in meshes) { Vector3[] v = convertToRightHandedCoordinates ? Left2Right(mesh.vertices) : mesh.vertices; Vector3[] n = convertToRightHandedCoordinates ? Left2Right(mesh.normals) : mesh.normals; int[] t = mesh.triangles; int triangleCount = t.Length; if(convertToRightHandedCoordinates) System.Array.Reverse(t); for(int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i += 3) { int a = t[i], b = t[i+1], c = t[i+2]; Vector3 avg = AvgNrm(n[a], n[b], n[c]); writer.Write(avg.x); writer.Write(avg.y); writer.Write(avg.z); writer.Write(v[a].x); writer.Write(v[a].y); writer.Write(v[a].z); writer.Write(v[b].x); writer.Write(v[b].y); writer.Write(v[b].z); writer.Write(v[c].x); writer.Write(v[c].y); writer.Write(v[c].z); // specification says attribute byte count should be set to 0. writer.Write( (ushort)0 ); } } } } break; default: string model = WriteString(meshes); File.WriteAllText(path, model); break; } } catch(System.Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } /** * Write a Unity mesh to an ASCII STL string. */ public static string WriteString(Mesh mesh, bool convertToRightHandedCoordinates = true) { return WriteString(new Mesh[] { mesh }, convertToRightHandedCoordinates); } /** * Write a set of meshes to an ASCII string in STL format. */ public static string WriteString(IList meshes, bool convertToRightHandedCoordinates = true) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string name = meshes.Count == 1 ? meshes[0].name : "Composite Mesh"; sb.AppendLine(string.Format("solid {0}", name)); foreach(Mesh mesh in meshes) { Vector3[] v = convertToRightHandedCoordinates ? Left2Right(mesh.vertices) : mesh.vertices; Vector3[] n = convertToRightHandedCoordinates ? Left2Right(mesh.normals) : mesh.normals; int[] t = mesh.triangles; if(convertToRightHandedCoordinates) System.Array.Reverse(t); int triLen = t.Length; for(int i = 0; i < triLen; i+=3) { int a = t[i]; int b = t[i+1]; int c = t[i+2]; Vector3 nrm = AvgNrm(n[a], n[b], n[c]); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("facet normal {0} {1} {2}", nrm.x, nrm.y, nrm.z)); sb.AppendLine("outer loop"); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tvertex {0} {1} {2}", v[a].x, v[a].y, v[a].z)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tvertex {0} {1} {2}", v[b].x, v[b].y, v[b].z)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tvertex {0} {1} {2}", v[c].x, v[c].y, v[c].z)); sb.AppendLine("endloop"); sb.AppendLine("endfacet"); } } sb.AppendLine(string.Format("endsolid {0}", name)); return sb.ToString(); } private static Vector3[] Left2Right(Vector3[] v) { Vector3[] r = new Vector3[v.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) r[i] = new Vector3(v[i].z, -v[i].x, v[i].y); return r; } /** * Average of 3 vectors. */ private static Vector3 AvgNrm(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) { return new Vector3( (a.x + b.x + c.x) / 3f, (a.y + b.y + c.y) / 3f, (a.z + b.z + c.z) / 3f ); } } }