using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder { /// /// An edge connecting two vertices. May point to an index in the vertices or the sharedIndexes array (local / common in ProBuilder terminology). /// [System.Serializable] public struct Edge : System.IEquatable { /// /// An index corresponding to a mesh vertex array. /// public int a; /// /// An index corresponding to a mesh vertex array. /// public int b; /// /// An empty edge is defined as -1, -1. /// public static readonly Edge Empty = new Edge(-1, -1); /// /// Create a new edge from two vertex indexes. /// /// An index corresponding to a mesh vertex array. /// An index corresponding to a mesh vertex array. public Edge(int a, int b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } /// /// Test if this edge points to valid vertex indexes. /// /// True if x and y are both greater than -1. public bool IsValid() { return a > -1 && b > -1 && a != b; } public override string ToString() { return "[" + a + ", " + b + "]"; } public bool Equals(Edge other) { return (a == other.a && b == other.b) || (a == other.b && b == other.a); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is Edge && Equals((Edge)obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { // int hash = 27; unchecked { hash = hash * 29 + (a < b ? a : b); hash = hash * 29 + (a < b ? b : a); } return hash; } public static Edge operator+(Edge a, Edge b) { return new Edge(a.a + b.a, a.b + b.b); } public static Edge operator-(Edge a, Edge b) { return new Edge(a.a - b.a, a.b - b.b); } public static Edge operator+(Edge a, int b) { return new Edge(a.a + b, a.b + b); } public static Edge operator-(Edge a, int b) { return new Edge(a.a - b, a.b - b); } public static bool operator==(Edge a, Edge b) { return a.Equals(b); } public static bool operator!=(Edge a, Edge b) { return !(a == b); } /// /// Add two edges index values. /// /// /// {0, 1} + {4, 5} = {5, 6} /// /// Left edge parameter. /// Right edge parameter. /// The sum of a + b. public static Edge Add(Edge a, Edge b) { return a + b; } /// /// Subtract edge b from a. /// /// /// Subtract( {7, 10}, {4, 5} ) = {3, 5} /// /// The edge to subtract from. /// The value to subtract. /// The sum of a - b. public static Edge Subtract(Edge a, Edge b) { return a - b; } /// /// Compares edges and takes shared triangles into account. /// /// The edge to compare against. /// A common vertex indexes lookup dictionary. See pb_IntArray for more information. /// Generally you just pass ProBuilderMesh.sharedIndexes.ToDictionary() to lookup, but it's more efficient to do it once and reuse that dictionary if possible. /// True if edges are perceptually equal (that is, they point to the same common indexes). public bool Equals(Edge other, Dictionary lookup) { if (lookup == null) return Equals(other); int x0 = lookup[a], y0 = lookup[b], x1 = lookup[other.a], y1 = lookup[other.b]; return (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) || (x0 == y1 && y0 == x1); } /// /// Does this edge contain an index? /// /// The index to compare against x and y. /// True if x or y is equal to a. False if not. public bool Contains(int index) { return (a == index || b == index); } /// /// Does this edge have any matching index to edge b? /// /// The edge to compare against. /// True if x or y matches either b.x or b.y. public bool Contains(Edge other) { return (a == other.a || b == other.a || a == other.b || b == other.a); } internal bool Contains(int index, Dictionary lookup) { var common = lookup[index]; return lookup[a] == common || lookup[b] == common; } internal static void GetIndices(IEnumerable edges, List indices) { indices.Clear(); foreach (var edge in edges) { indices.Add(edge.a); indices.Add(edge.b); } } } }