using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder
/// A face is composed of a set of triangles, and a material.
/// Triangle indexes may point to the same vertex index as long as the vertices are unique to the face. Ie, every vertex that a face references should only be used by that face's indices. To associate vertices that share common attributes (usually position), use the @"UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.sharedIndexes" property.
/// ProBuilder automatically manages condensing common vertices in the EditorMeshUtility.Optimize function.
public sealed class Face
int[] m_Indexes;
/// Adjacent faces sharing this smoothingGroup will have their abutting edge normals averaged.
int m_SmoothingGroup;
/// If manualUV is false, these parameters determine how this face's vertices are projected to 2d space.
AutoUnwrapSettings m_Uv;
/// What material does this face use.
Material m_Material;
int m_SubmeshIndex;
bool m_ManualUV;
/// If this face has had it's UV coordinates done by hand, don't update them with the auto unwrap crowd.
public bool manualUV
get { return m_ManualUV; }
set { m_ManualUV = value; }
/// UV element group. Used by the UV editor to group faces.
internal int elementGroup;
int m_TextureGroup;
/// What texture group this face belongs to. Used when projecting auto UVs.
public int textureGroup
get { return m_TextureGroup;}
set { m_TextureGroup = value; }
/// Return a reference to the triangle indexes that make up this face.
internal int[] indexesInternal
get { return m_Indexes; }
if (m_Indexes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
if (m_Indexes.Length % 3 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Face indexes must be a multiple of 3.");
m_Indexes = value;
/// The triangle indexes that make up this face.
public ReadOnlyCollection indexes
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(m_Indexes); }
/// Set the triangles that compose this face.
/// The new triangle array.
public void SetIndexes(int[] array)
if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
int len = array.Length;
if (len % 3 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Face indexes must be a multiple of 3.");
m_Indexes = new int[len];
Array.Copy(array, m_Indexes, len);
int[] m_DistinctIndexes;
Edge[] m_Edges;
/// Returns a reference to the cached distinct indexes (each vertex index is only referenced once in m_DistinctIndexes).
internal int[] distinctIndexesInternal
get { return m_DistinctIndexes == null ? CacheDistinctIndexes() : m_DistinctIndexes; }
/// A collection of the vertex indexes that the indexes array references, made distinct.
public ReadOnlyCollection distinctIndexes
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(distinctIndexesInternal); }
internal Edge[] edgesInternal
get { return m_Edges == null ? CacheEdges() : m_Edges; }
/// Get the perimeter edges that commpose this face.
public ReadOnlyCollection edges
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(edgesInternal); }
/// What smoothing group this face belongs to, if any. This is used to calculate vertex normals.
public int smoothingGroup
get { return m_SmoothingGroup; }
set { m_SmoothingGroup = value; }
/// Get the material that face uses.
[Obsolete("Face.material is deprecated. Please use submeshIndex instead.")]
public Material material
get { return m_Material; }
set { m_Material = value; }
public int submeshIndex
get { return m_SubmeshIndex; }
set { m_SubmeshIndex = value; }
/// A reference to the Auto UV mapping parameters.
public AutoUnwrapSettings uv
get { return m_Uv; }
set { m_Uv = value; }
/// Accesses the indexes array.
public int this[int i]
get { return indexesInternal[i]; }
/// Default constructor creates a face with an empty triangles array.
public Face()
m_SubmeshIndex = 0;
/// Initialize a Face with a set of triangles and default values.
/// The new triangles array.
public Face(int[] array)
m_Uv = AutoUnwrapSettings.tile;
m_Material = BuiltinMaterials.defaultMaterial;
m_SmoothingGroup = Smoothing.smoothingGroupNone;
m_SubmeshIndex = 0;
textureGroup = -1;
elementGroup = 0;
[Obsolete("Face.material is deprecated. Please use \"submeshIndex\" instead.")]
internal Face(int[] triangles, Material m, AutoUnwrapSettings u, int smoothing, int texture, int element, bool manualUVs)
m_Uv = new AutoUnwrapSettings(u);
m_Material = m;
m_SmoothingGroup = smoothing;
textureGroup = texture;
elementGroup = element;
manualUV = manualUVs;
m_SubmeshIndex = 0;
internal Face(int[] triangles, int submeshIndex, AutoUnwrapSettings u, int smoothing, int texture, int element, bool manualUVs)
m_Uv = new AutoUnwrapSettings(u);
m_SmoothingGroup = smoothing;
textureGroup = texture;
elementGroup = element;
manualUV = manualUVs;
m_SubmeshIndex = submeshIndex;
/// Deep copy constructor.
/// The Face from which to copy properties.
public Face(Face other)
/// Copies values from other to this face.
/// The Face from which to copy properties.
public void CopyFrom(Face other)
if (other == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("other");
int len = other.indexesInternal.Length;
m_Indexes = new int[len];
Array.Copy(other.indexesInternal, m_Indexes, len);
m_SmoothingGroup = other.smoothingGroup;
m_Uv = new AutoUnwrapSettings(other.uv);
#pragma warning disable 618
m_Material = other.material;
#pragma warning restore 618
manualUV = other.manualUV;
m_TextureGroup = other.textureGroup;
elementGroup = other.elementGroup;
m_SubmeshIndex = other.m_SubmeshIndex;
internal void InvalidateCache()
m_Edges = null;
m_DistinctIndexes = null;
Edge[] CacheEdges()
if (m_Indexes == null)
return null;
HashSet dist = new HashSet();
List dup = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < indexesInternal.Length; i += 3)
Edge a = new Edge(indexesInternal[i + 0], indexesInternal[i + 1]);
Edge b = new Edge(indexesInternal[i + 1], indexesInternal[i + 2]);
Edge c = new Edge(indexesInternal[i + 2], indexesInternal[i + 0]);
if (!dist.Add(a)) dup.Add(a);
if (!dist.Add(b)) dup.Add(b);
if (!dist.Add(c)) dup.Add(c);
m_Edges = dist.ToArray();
return m_Edges;
int[] CacheDistinctIndexes()
if (m_Indexes == null)
return null;
m_DistinctIndexes = m_Indexes.Distinct().ToArray();
return distinctIndexesInternal;
/// Test if a triangle is contained within the triangles array of this face.
public bool Contains(int a, int b, int c)
for (int i = 0, cnt = indexesInternal.Length; i < cnt; i += 3)
if (a == indexesInternal[i + 0]
&& b == indexesInternal[i + 1]
&& c == indexesInternal[i + 2])
return true;
return false;
/// Is this face representable as quad?
public bool IsQuad()
return edgesInternal != null && edgesInternal.Length == 4;
/// Convert a 2 triangle face to a quad representation.
/// A quad (4 indexes), or null if indexes are not able to be represented as a quad.
public int[] ToQuad()
if (!IsQuad())
throw new InvalidOperationException("Face is not representable as a quad. Use Face.IsQuad to check for validity.");
int[] quad = new int[4] { edgesInternal[0].a, edgesInternal[0].b, -1, -1 };
if (edgesInternal[1].a == quad[1])
quad[2] = edgesInternal[1].b;
else if (edgesInternal[2].a == quad[1])
quad[2] = edgesInternal[2].b;
else if (edgesInternal[3].a == quad[1])
quad[2] = edgesInternal[3].b;
if (edgesInternal[1].a == quad[2])
quad[3] = edgesInternal[1].b;
else if (edgesInternal[2].a == quad[2])
quad[3] = edgesInternal[2].b;
else if (edgesInternal[3].a == quad[2])
quad[3] = edgesInternal[3].b;
return quad;
public override string ToString()
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < indexesInternal.Length; i += 3)
sb.Append(", ");
sb.Append(indexesInternal[i + 1]);
sb.Append(", ");
sb.Append(indexesInternal[i + 2]);
if (i < indexesInternal.Length - 3)
sb.Append(", ");
return sb.ToString();
/// Add offset to each value in the indexes array.
/// The value to add to each index.
public void ShiftIndexes(int offset)
for (int i = 0, c = m_Indexes.Length; i < c; i++)
m_Indexes[i] += offset;
/// Find the smallest value in the triangles array.
/// The smallest value in the indexes array.
int SmallestIndexValue()
int smallest = m_Indexes[0];
for (int i = 1; i < m_Indexes.Length; i++)
if (m_Indexes[i] < smallest)
smallest = m_Indexes[i];
return smallest;
/// Finds the smallest value in the indexes array, then offsets by subtracting that value from each index.
/// ```
/// // sets the indexes array to `{0, 1, 2}`.
/// new Face(3,4,5).ShiftIndexesToZero();
/// ```
public void ShiftIndexesToZero()
int offset = SmallestIndexValue();
for (int i = 0; i < m_Indexes.Length; i++)
m_Indexes[i] -= offset;
/// Reverse the order of the triangle array. This has the effect of reversing the direction that this face renders.
public void Reverse()
internal static void GetIndices(IEnumerable faces, List indices)
foreach (var face in faces)
for (int i = 0, c = face.indexesInternal.Length; i < c; ++i)
internal static void GetDistinctIndices(IEnumerable faces, List indices)
foreach (var face in faces)
for (int i = 0, c = face.distinctIndexesInternal.Length; i < c; ++i)