using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder { static class MeshHandles { static List s_VertexList = new List(); /// /// Populate a renderable's mesh with a face highlight mesh matching the selected triangles array. /// internal static void CreateFaceMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target) { target.Clear(); target.vertices = mesh.positionsInternal; target.triangles = mesh.selectedFacesInternal.SelectMany(x => x.indexes).ToArray(); } internal static void CreateEdgeMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target) { int edgeCount = 0; int faceCount = mesh.faceCount; for (int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) edgeCount += mesh.facesInternal[i].edgesInternal.Length; int elementCount = System.Math.Min(edgeCount, ushort.MaxValue / 2 - 1); int[] tris = new int[elementCount * 2]; int edgeIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < faceCount && edgeIndex < elementCount; i++) { for (int n = 0; n < mesh.facesInternal[i].edgesInternal.Length && edgeIndex < elementCount; n++) { var edge = mesh.facesInternal[i].edgesInternal[n]; int positionIndex = edgeIndex * 2; tris[positionIndex + 0] = edge.a; tris[positionIndex + 1] = edge.b; edgeIndex++; } } target.Clear(); = "ProBuilder::EdgeMesh" + target.GetInstanceID(); target.vertices = mesh.positionsInternal; target.subMeshCount = 1; target.SetIndices(tris, MeshTopology.Lines, 0); } internal static void CreateEdgeMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target, Edge[] edges) { int edgeCount = System.Math.Min(edges.Length, ushort.MaxValue / 2 - 1); int[] indexes = new int[edgeCount * 2]; for (int n = 0; n < edgeCount; n++) { var edge = edges[n]; var ind = n * 2; indexes[ind + 0] = edge.a; indexes[ind + 1] = edge.b; } target.Clear(); = "ProBuilder::EdgeMesh" + target.GetInstanceID(); target.vertices = mesh.positionsInternal; target.subMeshCount = 1; target.SetIndices(indexes, MeshTopology.Lines, 0); } /// /// Populate a renderable's mesh with a spattering of vertices representing both selected and not selected. /// internal static void CreateVertexMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target) { s_VertexList.Clear(); for (int i = 0, c = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal.Length; i < c; i++) s_VertexList.Add(mesh.sharedVerticesInternal[i][0]); CreateVertexMesh(mesh, target, s_VertexList); } internal static void CreateVertexMesh(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target, IList indexes) { if (BuiltinMaterials.geometryShadersSupported) BuildVertexMeshInternal(mesh, target, indexes); else BuildVertexMeshLegacy(mesh, target, indexes); } internal static void BuildVertexMeshLegacy(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target, IList indexes) { const ushort k_MaxPointCount = ushort.MaxValue / 4; int billboardCount = indexes.Count; if (billboardCount > k_MaxPointCount) billboardCount = k_MaxPointCount; var positions = mesh.positionsInternal; Vector3[] t_billboards = new Vector3[billboardCount * 4]; Vector2[] t_uvs = new Vector2[billboardCount * 4]; Vector2[] t_uv2 = new Vector2[billboardCount * 4]; int[] t_tris = new int[billboardCount * 6]; int n = 0; int t = 0; Vector3 up = Vector3.up; Vector3 right = Vector3.right; for (int i = 0; i < billboardCount; i++) { t_billboards[t + 0] = positions[indexes[i]]; t_billboards[t + 1] = positions[indexes[i]]; t_billboards[t + 2] = positions[indexes[i]]; t_billboards[t + 3] = positions[indexes[i]]; t_uvs[t + 0] =; t_uvs[t + 1] = Vector3.right; t_uvs[t + 2] = Vector3.up; t_uvs[t + 3] =; t_uv2[t + 0] = -up - right; t_uv2[t + 1] = -up + right; t_uv2[t + 2] = up - right; t_uv2[t + 3] = up + right; t_tris[n + 0] = t + 0; t_tris[n + 1] = t + 1; t_tris[n + 2] = t + 2; t_tris[n + 3] = t + 1; t_tris[n + 4] = t + 3; t_tris[n + 5] = t + 2; t += 4; n += 6; } target.Clear(); target.vertices = t_billboards; target.uv = t_uvs; target.uv2 = t_uv2; target.triangles = t_tris; } internal static void CreatePointBillboardMesh(List points, Mesh mesh) { const ushort k_MaxPointCount = ushort.MaxValue / 4; int billboardCount = points.Count; if (billboardCount > k_MaxPointCount) billboardCount = k_MaxPointCount; Vector3[] t_billboards = new Vector3[billboardCount * 4]; Vector2[] t_uvs = new Vector2[billboardCount * 4]; Vector2[] t_uv2 = new Vector2[billboardCount * 4]; int[] t_tris = new int[billboardCount * 6]; int n = 0; int t = 0; Vector3 up = Vector3.up; Vector3 right = Vector3.right; for (int i = 0; i < billboardCount; i++) { t_billboards[t + 0] = points[i]; t_billboards[t + 1] = points[i]; t_billboards[t + 2] = points[i]; t_billboards[t + 3] = points[i]; t_uvs[t + 0] =; t_uvs[t + 1] = Vector3.right; t_uvs[t + 2] = Vector3.up; t_uvs[t + 3] =; t_uv2[t + 0] = -up - right; t_uv2[t + 1] = -up + right; t_uv2[t + 2] = up - right; t_uv2[t + 3] = up + right; t_tris[n + 0] = t + 0; t_tris[n + 1] = t + 1; t_tris[n + 2] = t + 2; t_tris[n + 3] = t + 1; t_tris[n + 4] = t + 3; t_tris[n + 5] = t + 2; t += 4; n += 6; } mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = t_billboards; mesh.uv = t_uvs; mesh.uv2 = t_uv2; mesh.triangles = t_tris; } /// /// Draw a set of vertices. /// static void BuildVertexMeshInternal(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Mesh target, IEnumerable indexes) { target.Clear(); = "pb_ElementGraphics::PointMesh"; target.vertices = mesh.positionsInternal; target.subMeshCount = 1; target.SetIndices(indexes as int[] ?? indexes.ToArray(), MeshTopology.Points, 0); } } }