using System; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder { /// /// A collection of constant values the ProBuilder uses regularly. /// static class PreferenceKeys { /// /// The product name ("ProBuilder" or "ProBuilder Basic" depending on assembly definition). /// public const string pluginTitle = "ProBuilder"; internal const float k_MaxPointDistanceFromControl = 20f; internal const char DEGREE_SYMBOL = (char)176; internal const char CMD_SUPER = '\u2318'; internal const char CMD_SHIFT = '\u21E7'; internal const char CMD_OPTION = '\u2325'; internal const char CMD_ALT = '\u2387'; internal const char CMD_DELETE = '\u232B'; internal static readonly Color proBuilderBlue = new Color(0f, .682f, .937f, 1f); internal static readonly Color proBuilderLightGray = new Color(.35f, .35f, .35f, .4f); internal static readonly Color proBuilderDarkGray = new Color(.1f, .1f, .1f, .3f); /// /// The starting range for editor menu items. /// public const int menuEditor = 100; /// /// The starting range for selection menu items. /// public const int menuSelection = 200; /// /// Starting range for geometry menu actions. /// public const int menuGeometry = 200; /// /// Starting range for action menu actions. /// public const int menuActions = 300; /// /// Starting range for material color menu items. /// public const int menuMaterialColors = 400; /// /// Starting range for vertex color menu items. /// public const int menuVertexColors = 400; /// /// Starting range for repair menu items. /// public const int menuRepair = 600; /// /// Starting range for other misc. menu items that belong in the ProBuilder menu subtree. /// public const int menuMisc = 600; /// /// Starting range for export menu items. /// public const int menuExport = 800; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultEditLevel = "pbDefaultEditLevel"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultSelectionMode = "pbDefaultSelectionMode"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbHandleAlignment = "pbHandleAlignment"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbVertexColorTool = "pbVertexColorTool"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbToolbarLocation = "pbToolbarLocation"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultEntity = "pbDefaultEntity"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbExtrudeMethod = "pbExtrudeMethod"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultStaticFlags = "pbDefaultStaticFlags"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbSelectedFaceColor = "pbDefaultFaceColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbWireframeColor = "pbDefaultEdgeColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUnselectedEdgeColor = "pbUnselectedEdgeColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbSelectedEdgeColor = "pbSelectedEdgeColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbSelectedVertexColor = "pbDefaultSelectedVertexColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUnselectedVertexColor = "pbDefaultVertexColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbPreselectionColor = "pbPreselectionColor"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultOpenInDockableWindow = "pbDefaultOpenInDockableWindow"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbEditorPrefVersion = "pbEditorPrefVersion"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbEditorShortcutsVersion = "pbEditorShortcutsVersion"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultCollider = "pbDefaultCollider"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbForceConvex = "pbForceConvex"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbVertexColorPrefs = "pbVertexColorPrefs"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowEditorNotifications = "pbShowEditorNotifications"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDragCheckLimit = "pbDragCheckLimit"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbForceVertexPivot = "pbForceVertexPivot"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbForceGridPivot = "pbForceGridPivot"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbManifoldEdgeExtrusion = "pbManifoldEdgeExtrusion"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbPerimeterEdgeBridgeOnly = "pbPerimeterEdgeBridgeOnly"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbPBOSelectionOnly = "pbPBOSelectionOnly"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbCloseShapeWindow = "pbCloseShapeWindow"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUVEditorFloating = "pbUVEditorFloating"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUVMaterialPreview = "pbUVMaterialPreview"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowSceneToolbar = "pbShowSceneToolbar"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbNormalizeUVsOnPlanarProjection = "pbNormalizeUVsOnPlanarProjection"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbStripProBuilderOnBuild = "pbStripProBuilderOnBuild"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDisableAutoUV2Generation = "pbDisableAutoUV2Generation"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowSceneInfo = "pbShowSceneInfo"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbEnableBackfaceSelection = "pbEnableBackfaceSelection"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbVertexPaletteDockable = "pbVertexPaletteDockable"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbExtrudeAsGroup = "pbExtrudeAsGroup"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUniqueModeShortcuts = "pbUniqueModeShortcuts"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbMaterialEditorFloating = "pbMaterialEditorFloating"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShapeWindowFloating = "pbShapeWindowFloating"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbIconGUI = "pbIconGUI"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShiftOnlyTooltips = "pbShiftOnlyTooltips"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDrawAxisLines = "pbDrawAxisLines"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbCollapseVertexToFirst = "pbCollapseVertexToFirst"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbMeshesAreAssets = "pbMeshesAreAssets"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbElementSelectIsHamFisted = "pbElementSelectIsHamFisted"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbFillHoleSelectsEntirePath = "pbFillHoleSelectsEntirePath"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDetachToNewObject = "pbDetachToNewObject"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbPreserveFaces = "pbPreserveFaces"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDragSelectWholeElement = "pbDragSelectWholeElement"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowPreselectionHighlight = "pbShowPreselectionHighlight"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbRectSelectMode = "pbRectSelectMode"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDragSelectMode = "pbDragSelectMode"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShadowCastingMode = "pbShadowCastingMode"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbEnableExperimental = "pbEnableExperimental"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbCheckForProBuilderUpdates = "pbCheckForProBuilderUpdates"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbManageLightmappingStaticFlag = "pbManageLightmappingStaticFlag"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowMissingLightmapUvWarning = "pb_Lightmapping::showMissingLightmapUvWarning"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbSelectedFaceDither = "pbSelectedFaceDither"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUseUnityColors = "pbUseUnityColors"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbVertexHandleSize = "pbVertexHandleSize"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUVGridSnapValue = "pbUVGridSnapValue"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbUVWeldDistance = "pbUVWeldDistance"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbLineHandleSize = "pbLineHandleSize"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbWireframeSize = "pbWireframeSize"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbWeldDistance = "pbWeldDistance"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbExtrudeDistance = "pbExtrudeDistance"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbBevelAmount = "pbBevelAmount"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbEdgeSubdivisions = "pbEdgeSubdivisions"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultShortcuts = "pbDefaultShortcuts"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbDefaultMaterial = "pbDefaultMaterial"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbCurrentMaterialPalette = "pbCurrentMaterialPalette"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbGrowSelectionUsingAngle = "pbGrowSelectionUsingAngle"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbGrowSelectionAngle = "pbGrowSelectionAngle"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbGrowSelectionAngleIterative = "pbGrowSelectionAngleIterative"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowDetail = "pbShowDetail"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowOccluder = "pbShowOccluder"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowMover = "pbShowMover"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowCollider = "pbShowCollider"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowTrigger = "pbShowTrigger"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string pbShowNoDraw = "pbShowNoDraw"; [Obsolete("Use Pref or Settings class directly.")] internal const string defaultUnwrapParameters = "pbDefaultUnwrapParameters"; } }