using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder { #if UNITY_EDITOR public sealed partial class ProBuilderMesh : ISerializationCallbackReceiver #else public sealed partial class ProBuilderMesh #endif { #if UNITY_EDITOR public void OnBeforeSerialize() {} public void OnAfterDeserialize() { InvalidateCaches(); } #endif static HashSet s_CachedHashSet = new HashSet(); /// /// Reset all the attribute arrays on this object. /// public void Clear() { // various editor tools expect faces & vertices to always be valid. // ideally we'd null everything here, but that would break a lot of existing code. m_Faces = new Face[0]; m_Positions = new Vector3[0]; m_Textures0 = new Vector2[0]; m_Textures2 = null; m_Textures3 = null; m_Tangents = null; m_SharedVertices = new SharedVertex[0]; m_SharedTextures = new SharedVertex[0]; InvalidateSharedVertexLookup(); InvalidateSharedTextureLookup(); m_Colors = null; ClearSelection(); } void Awake() { if (vertexCount > 0 && faceCount > 0 && meshSyncState == MeshSyncState.Null) Rebuild(); } void OnDestroy() { // Time.frameCount is zero when loading scenes in the Editor. It's the only way I could figure to // differentiate between OnDestroy invoked from user delete & editor scene loading. if (!preserveMeshAssetOnDestroy && Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying && Time.frameCount > 0) { if (meshWillBeDestroyed != null) meshWillBeDestroyed(this); else DestroyImmediate(gameObject.GetComponent().sharedMesh, true); } } internal static ProBuilderMesh CreateInstanceWithPoints(Vector3[] positions) { if (positions.Length % 4 != 0) { Log.Warning("Invalid Geometry. Make sure vertices in are pairs of 4 (faces)."); return null; } GameObject go = new GameObject(); = "ProBuilder Mesh"; ProBuilderMesh pb = go.AddComponent(); pb.m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; pb.GeometryWithPoints(positions); return pb; } /// /// Create a new GameObject with a ProBuilderMesh component, MeshFilter, and MeshRenderer. All arrays are /// initialized as empty. /// /// A reference to the new ProBuilderMesh component. public static ProBuilderMesh Create() { var go = new GameObject(); var pb = go.AddComponent(); pb.m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; pb.Clear(); return pb; } /// /// Create a new GameObject with a ProBuilderMesh component, MeshFilter, and MeshRenderer, then initializes the ProBuilderMesh with a set of positions and faces. /// /// Vertex positions array. /// Faces array. /// A reference to the new ProBuilderMesh component. public static ProBuilderMesh Create(IEnumerable positions, IEnumerable faces) { GameObject go = new GameObject(); ProBuilderMesh pb = go.AddComponent(); = "ProBuilder Mesh"; pb.m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; pb.RebuildWithPositionsAndFaces(positions, faces); return pb; } /// /// Create a new GameObject with a ProBuilderMesh component, MeshFilter, and MeshRenderer, then initializes the ProBuilderMesh with a set of positions and faces. /// /// Vertex positions array. /// Faces array. /// Optional SharedVertex[] defines coincident vertices. /// Optional SharedVertex[] defines coincident texture coordinates (UV0). /// Optional array of materials that will be assigned to the MeshRenderer. /// public static ProBuilderMesh Create( IList vertices, IList faces, IList sharedVertices = null, IList sharedTextures = null, IList materials = null) { var go = new GameObject(); = "ProBuilder Mesh"; var mesh = go.AddComponent(); if (materials != null) mesh.renderer.sharedMaterials = materials.ToArray(); mesh.m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; mesh.SetVertices(vertices); mesh.faces = faces; mesh.sharedVertices = sharedVertices; mesh.sharedTextures = sharedTextures != null ? sharedTextures.ToArray() : null; mesh.ToMesh(); mesh.Refresh(); return mesh; } void GeometryWithPoints(Vector3[] points) { // Wrap in faces Face[] f = new Face[points.Length / 4]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i += 4) { f[i / 4] = new Face(new int[6] { i + 0, i + 1, i + 2, i + 1, i + 3, i + 2 }, 0, AutoUnwrapSettings.tile, 0, -1, -1, false); } Clear(); positions = points; m_Faces = f; m_SharedVertices = SharedVertex.GetSharedVerticesWithPositions(points); InvalidateSharedVertexLookup(); ToMesh(); Refresh(); } /// /// Clear all mesh attributes and reinitialize with new positions and face collections. /// /// Vertex positions array. /// Faces array. public void RebuildWithPositionsAndFaces(IEnumerable vertices, IEnumerable faces) { if (vertices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices"); Clear(); m_Positions = vertices.ToArray(); m_Faces = faces.ToArray(); m_SharedVertices = SharedVertex.GetSharedVerticesWithPositions(m_Positions); InvalidateSharedVertexLookup(); InvalidateSharedTextureLookup(); ToMesh(); Refresh(); } internal void Rebuild() { ToMesh(); Refresh(); } /// /// Rebuild the mesh positions and submeshes. If vertex count matches new positions array the existing attributes are kept, otherwise the mesh is cleared. UV2 is the exception, it is always cleared. /// /// Triangles and Quads are supported. public void ToMesh(MeshTopology preferredTopology = MeshTopology.Triangles) { Mesh m = mesh; // if the mesh vertex count hasn't been modified, we can keep most of the mesh elements around if (m != null && m.vertexCount == m_Positions.Length) m = mesh; else if (m == null) m = new Mesh(); else m.Clear(); m.vertices = m_Positions; m.uv2 = null; if (m_MeshFormatVersion < k_MeshFormatVersion) { if (m_MeshFormatVersion < k_MeshFormatVersionSubmeshMaterialRefactor) Submesh.MapFaceMaterialsToSubmeshIndex(this); m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; } m_MeshFormatVersion = k_MeshFormatVersion; int materialCount = MaterialUtility.GetMaterialCount(renderer); Submesh[] submeshes = Submesh.GetSubmeshes(facesInternal, materialCount, preferredTopology); m.subMeshCount = materialCount; for (int i = 0; i < m.subMeshCount; i++) { #if DEVELOPER_MODE if (i >= materialCount) Log.Warning("Submesh index " + i + " is out of bounds of the MeshRenderer materials array."); if (submeshes[i] == null) throw new Exception("Attempting to assign a null submesh. " + i + "/" + materialCount); #endif m.SetIndices(submeshes[i].m_Indexes, submeshes[i].m_Topology, i, false); } = string.Format("pb_Mesh{0}", id); filter.sharedMesh = m; } /// /// Deep copy the mesh attribute arrays back to itself. Useful when copy/paste creates duplicate references. /// internal void MakeUnique() { // deep copy arrays of reference types sharedVertices = sharedVerticesInternal; SetSharedTextures(sharedTextureLookup); facesInternal = faces.Select(x => new Face(x)).ToArray(); // set a new UnityEngine.Mesh instance mesh = new Mesh(); ToMesh(); Refresh(); } /// /// Copy mesh data from another mesh to self. /// /// public void CopyFrom(ProBuilderMesh other) { if (other == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); Clear(); positions = other.positions; sharedVertices = other.sharedVerticesInternal; SetSharedTextures(other.sharedTextureLookup); facesInternal = other.faces.Select(x => new Face(x)).ToArray(); List uvs = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < k_UVChannelCount; i++) { other.GetUVs(1, uvs); SetUVs(1, uvs); } tangents = other.tangents; colors = other.colors; userCollisions = other.userCollisions; selectable = other.selectable; unwrapParameters = new UnwrapParameters(other.unwrapParameters); } /// /// Recalculates mesh attributes: normals, collisions, UVs, tangents, and colors. /// /// /// Optionally pass a mask to define what components are updated (UV and collisions are expensive to rebuild, and can usually be deferred til completion of task). /// public void Refresh(RefreshMask mask = RefreshMask.All) { // Mesh if ((mask & RefreshMask.UV) > 0) RefreshUV(facesInternal); if ((mask & RefreshMask.Colors) > 0) RefreshColors(); if ((mask & RefreshMask.Normals) > 0) RefreshNormals(); if ((mask & RefreshMask.Tangents) > 0) RefreshTangents(); if ((mask & RefreshMask.Collisions) > 0) RefreshCollisions(); } void RefreshCollisions() { mesh.RecalculateBounds(); var meshCollider = GetComponent(); if (meshCollider != null) { gameObject.GetComponent().sharedMesh = null; gameObject.GetComponent().sharedMesh = mesh; } } /// /// Returns a new unused texture group id. /// Will be greater than or equal to i. /// /// /// internal int GetUnusedTextureGroup(int i = 1) { while (Array.Exists(facesInternal, element => element.textureGroup == i)) i++; return i; } static bool IsValidTextureGroup(int group) { return group > 0; } /// /// Returns a new unused element group. /// Will be greater than or equal to i. /// /// /// internal int UnusedElementGroup(int i = 1) { while (Array.Exists(facesInternal, element => element.elementGroup == i)) i++; return i; } public void RefreshUV(IEnumerable facesToRefresh) { // If the UV array has gone out of sync with the positions array, reset all faces to Auto UV so that we can // correct the texture array. if (!HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture0)) { m_Textures0 = new Vector2[vertexCount]; foreach (Face f in facesInternal) f.manualUV = false; facesToRefresh = facesInternal; } s_CachedHashSet.Clear(); foreach (var face in facesToRefresh) { if (face.manualUV) continue; int textureGroup = face.textureGroup; if (!IsValidTextureGroup(textureGroup)) UvUnwrapping.Unwrap(this, face); else if (s_CachedHashSet.Add(textureGroup)) UvUnwrapping.ProjectTextureGroup(this, textureGroup, face.uv); } mesh.uv = m_Textures0; if (HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture2)) mesh.SetUVs(2, m_Textures2); if (HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture3)) mesh.SetUVs(3, m_Textures3); } internal void SetGroupUV(AutoUnwrapSettings settings, int group) { if (!IsValidTextureGroup(group)) return; foreach (var face in facesInternal) { if (face.textureGroup != group) continue; face.uv = settings; } } void RefreshColors() { Mesh m = filter.sharedMesh; m.colors = m_Colors; } /// /// Set the vertex colors for a @"UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Face". /// /// The target face. /// The color to set this face's referenced vertices to. public void SetFaceColor(Face face, Color color) { if (face == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("face"); if (!HasArrays(MeshArrays.Color)) m_Colors = ArrayUtility.Fill(Color.white, vertexCount); foreach (int i in face.distinctIndexes) m_Colors[i] = color; } /// /// Set the material for a collection of faces. /// /// /// To apply the changes to the UnityEngine.Mesh, make sure to call ToMesh and Refresh. /// /// The faces to apply the material to. /// The material to apply. public void SetMaterial(IEnumerable faces, Material material) { var materials = renderer.sharedMaterials; var submeshCount = materials.Length; var index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount && index < 0; i++) { if (materials[i] == material) index = i; } if (index < 0) { // Material doesn't exist in MeshRenderer.sharedMaterials, now check if there is an unused // submeshIndex that we can replace with this value instead of creating a new entry. var submeshIndexes = new bool[submeshCount]; foreach (var face in m_Faces) submeshIndexes[Math.Clamp(face.submeshIndex, 0, submeshCount - 1)] = true; index = Array.IndexOf(submeshIndexes, false); // Found an unused submeshIndex, replace it with the material. if (index > -1) { materials[index] = material; renderer.sharedMaterials = materials; } else { // There were no unused submesh indices, append another submesh and material. index = materials.Length; var copy = new Material[index + 1]; Array.Copy(materials, copy, index); copy[index] = material; renderer.sharedMaterials = copy; } } foreach (var face in faces) face.submeshIndex = index; } void RefreshNormals() { Normals.CalculateNormals(this); mesh.normals = m_Normals; } void RefreshTangents() { Normals.CalculateTangents(this); mesh.tangents = m_Tangents; } /// /// Find the index of a vertex index (triangle) in an IntArray[]. The index returned is called the common index, or shared index in some cases. /// /// Aids in removing duplicate vertex indexes. /// The common (or shared) index. internal int GetSharedVertexHandle(int vertex) { int res; if (m_SharedVertexLookup.TryGetValue(vertex, out res)) return res; for (int i = 0; i < m_SharedVertices.Length; i++) { for (int n = 0, c = m_SharedVertices[i].Count; n < c; n++) if (m_SharedVertices[i][n] == vertex) return i; } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("vertex"); } internal HashSet GetSharedVertexHandles(IEnumerable vertices) { var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; HashSet common = new HashSet(); foreach (var i in vertices) common.Add(lookup[i]); return common; } /// /// Get a list of vertices that are coincident to any of the vertices in the passed vertices parameter. /// /// A collection of indexes relative to the mesh positions. /// A list of all vertices that share a position with any of the passed vertices. /// The vertices parameter may not be null. public List GetCoincidentVertices(IEnumerable vertices) { if (vertices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices"); List shared = new List(); GetCoincidentVertices(vertices, shared); return shared; } /// /// Populate a list of vertices that are coincident to any of the vertices in the passed vertices parameter. /// /// A collection of faces to gather vertices from. /// A list to be cleared and populated with any vertices that are coincident. /// The vertices and coincident parameters may not be null. public void GetCoincidentVertices(IEnumerable faces, List coincident) { if (faces == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("faces"); if (coincident == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("coincident"); coincident.Clear(); s_CachedHashSet.Clear(); var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; foreach (var face in faces) { foreach (var v in face.distinctIndexesInternal) { var common = lookup[v]; if (s_CachedHashSet.Add(common)) { var indices = m_SharedVertices[common]; for (int i = 0, c = indices.Count; i < c; i++) coincident.Add(indices[i]); } } } } /// /// Populate a list of vertices that are coincident to any of the vertices in the passed vertices parameter. /// /// A collection of edges to gather vertices from. /// A list to be cleared and populated with any vertices that are coincident. /// The vertices and coincident parameters may not be null. public void GetCoincidentVertices(IEnumerable edges, List coincident) { if (faces == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("edges"); if (coincident == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("coincident"); coincident.Clear(); s_CachedHashSet.Clear(); var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; foreach (var edge in edges) { var common = lookup[edge.a]; if (s_CachedHashSet.Add(common)) { var indices = m_SharedVertices[common]; for (int i = 0, c = indices.Count; i < c; i++) coincident.Add(indices[i]); } common = lookup[edge.b]; if (s_CachedHashSet.Add(common)) { var indices = m_SharedVertices[common]; for (int i = 0, c = indices.Count; i < c; i++) coincident.Add(indices[i]); } } } /// /// Populate a list of vertices that are coincident to any of the vertices in the passed vertices parameter. /// /// A collection of indexes relative to the mesh positions. /// A list to be cleared and populated with any vertices that are coincident. /// The vertices and coincident parameters may not be null. public void GetCoincidentVertices(IEnumerable vertices, List coincident) { if (vertices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices"); if (coincident == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("coincident"); coincident.Clear(); s_CachedHashSet.Clear(); var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; foreach (var v in vertices) { var common = lookup[v]; if (s_CachedHashSet.Add(common)) { var indices = m_SharedVertices[common]; for (int i = 0, c = indices.Count; i < c; i++) coincident.Add(indices[i]); } } } /// /// Populate a list with all the vertices that are coincident to the requested vertex. /// /// An index relative to a positions array. /// A list to be populated with all coincident vertices. /// The coincident list may not be null. /// The SharedVertex[] does not contain an entry for the requested vertex. public void GetCoincidentVertices(int vertex, List coincident) { if (coincident == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("coincident"); int common; if (!sharedVertexLookup.TryGetValue(vertex, out common)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("vertex"); var indices = m_SharedVertices[common]; for (int i = 0, c = indices.Count; i < c; i++) coincident.Add(indices[i]); } /// /// Sets the passed vertices as being considered coincident by the ProBuilderMesh. /// /// /// Note that it is up to the caller to ensure that the passed vertices are indeed sharing a position. /// /// Returns a list of vertices to be associated as coincident. public void SetVerticesCoincident(IEnumerable vertices) { var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; List coincident = new List(); GetCoincidentVertices(vertices, coincident); SharedVertex.SetCoincident(ref lookup, coincident); SetSharedVertices(lookup); } internal void SetTexturesCoincident(IEnumerable vertices) { var lookup = sharedTextureLookup; SharedVertex.SetCoincident(ref lookup, vertices); SetSharedTextures(lookup); } internal void AddToSharedVertex(int sharedVertexHandle, int vertex) { if (sharedVertexHandle < 0 || sharedVertexHandle >= m_SharedVertices.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sharedVertexHandle"); m_SharedVertices[sharedVertexHandle].Add(vertex); InvalidateSharedVertexLookup(); } internal void AddSharedVertex(SharedVertex vertex) { if (vertex == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertex"); m_SharedVertices = m_SharedVertices.Add(vertex); InvalidateSharedVertexLookup(); } } }