using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder { public sealed partial class ProBuilderMesh { [SerializeField] bool m_IsSelectable = true; // Serialized for undo in the editor [SerializeField] int[] m_SelectedFaces = new int[] {}; [SerializeField] Edge[] m_SelectedEdges = new Edge[] {}; [SerializeField] int[] m_SelectedVertices = new int[] {}; bool m_SelectedCacheDirty; int m_SelectedSharedVerticesCount = 0; HashSet<int> m_SelectedSharedVertices = new HashSet<int>(); List<int> m_SelectedCoincidentVertices = new List<int>(); /// <value> /// If false mesh elements will not be selectable. This is used by @"UnityEditor.ProBuilder.ProBuilderEditor". /// </value> public bool selectable { get { return m_IsSelectable; } set { m_IsSelectable = value; } } /// <value> /// Get the number of faces that are currently selected on this object. /// </value> public int selectedFaceCount { get { return m_SelectedFaces.Length; } } /// <value> /// Get the number of selected vertex indexes. /// </value> public int selectedVertexCount { get { return m_SelectedVertices.Length; } } /// <value> /// Get the number of selected edges. /// </value> public int selectedEdgeCount { get { return m_SelectedEdges.Length; } } internal int selectedSharedVerticesCount { get { CacheSelection(); return m_SelectedSharedVerticesCount; } } internal IEnumerable<int> selectedSharedVertices { get { CacheSelection(); return m_SelectedSharedVertices; } } /// <summary> /// All selected vertices and their coincident neighbors. /// </summary> internal IEnumerable<int> selectedCoincidentVertices { get { CacheSelection(); return m_SelectedCoincidentVertices; } } void CacheSelection() { if (m_SelectedCacheDirty) { m_SelectedCacheDirty = false; m_SelectedSharedVertices.Clear(); m_SelectedCoincidentVertices.Clear(); var lookup = sharedVertexLookup; m_SelectedSharedVerticesCount = 0; foreach (var i in m_SelectedVertices) { if (m_SelectedSharedVertices.Add(lookup[i])) { m_SelectedSharedVerticesCount++; foreach (var n in sharedVerticesInternal[lookup[i]]) m_SelectedCoincidentVertices.Add(n); } } } } /// <summary> /// Get a copy of the selected face array. /// </summary> public Face[] GetSelectedFaces() { int len = m_SelectedFaces.Length; var selected = new Face[len]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) selected[i] = m_Faces[m_SelectedFaces[i]]; return selected; } internal Face[] selectedFacesInternal { get { return GetSelectedFaces(); } } internal int[] selectedFaceIndicesInternal { get { return m_SelectedFaces; } } /// <value> /// A collection of the currently selected faces by their index in the @"UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.faces" array. /// </value> public ReadOnlyCollection<int> selectedFaceIndexes { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<int>(m_SelectedFaces); } } /// <value> /// A collection of the currently selected vertices by their index in the @"UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.positions" array. /// </value> public ReadOnlyCollection<int> selectedVertices { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<int>(m_SelectedVertices); } } /// <value> /// A collection of the currently selected edges. /// </value> public ReadOnlyCollection<Edge> selectedEdges { get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Edge>(m_SelectedEdges); } } internal Edge[] selectedEdgesInternal { get { return m_SelectedEdges; } } internal int[] selectedIndexesInternal { get { return m_SelectedVertices; } } internal Face GetActiveFace() { if (selectedFaceCount < 1) return null; return m_Faces[selectedFaceIndicesInternal[selectedFaceCount - 1]]; } internal Edge GetActiveEdge() { if (selectedEdgeCount < 1) return Edge.Empty; return m_SelectedEdges[selectedEdgeCount - 1]; } internal int GetActiveVertex() { if (selectedVertexCount < 1) return -1; return m_SelectedVertices[selectedVertexCount - 1]; } internal void AddToFaceSelection(int index) { if (index > -1) SetSelectedFaces(m_SelectedFaces.Add(index)); } /// <summary> /// Set the face selection for this mesh. Also sets the vertex and edge selection to match. /// </summary> /// <param name="selected">The new face selection.</param> public void SetSelectedFaces(IEnumerable<Face> selected) { SetSelectedFaces(selected != null ? selected.Select(x => Array.IndexOf(facesInternal, x)) : null); } internal void SetSelectedFaces(IEnumerable<int> selected) { if (selected == null) { ClearSelection(); } else { m_SelectedFaces = selected.ToArray(); m_SelectedVertices = m_SelectedFaces.SelectMany(x => facesInternal[x].distinctIndexesInternal).ToArray(); m_SelectedEdges = m_SelectedFaces.SelectMany(x => facesInternal[x].edges).ToArray(); } m_SelectedCacheDirty = true; if (elementSelectionChanged != null) elementSelectionChanged(this); } /// <summary> /// Set the edge selection for this mesh. Also sets the face and vertex selection to match. /// </summary> /// <param name="edges">The new edge selection.</param> public void SetSelectedEdges(IEnumerable<Edge> edges) { if (edges == null) { ClearSelection(); } else { m_SelectedFaces = new int[0]; m_SelectedEdges = edges.ToArray(); m_SelectedVertices = m_SelectedEdges.AllTriangles(); } m_SelectedCacheDirty = true; if (elementSelectionChanged != null) elementSelectionChanged(this); } /// <summary> /// Sets the selected vertices array. Clears SelectedFaces and SelectedEdges arrays. /// </summary> /// <param name="vertices">The new vertex selection.</param> public void SetSelectedVertices(IEnumerable<int> vertices) { m_SelectedFaces = new int[0]; m_SelectedEdges = new Edge[0]; m_SelectedVertices = vertices != null ? vertices.Distinct().ToArray() : new int[0]; m_SelectedCacheDirty = true; if (elementSelectionChanged != null) elementSelectionChanged(this); } /// <summary> /// Removes face at index in SelectedFaces array, and updates the SelectedTriangles and SelectedEdges arrays to match. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> internal void RemoveFromFaceSelectionAtIndex(int index) { SetSelectedFaces(m_SelectedFaces.RemoveAt(index)); } /// <summary> /// Clears selected face, edge, and vertex arrays. You do not need to call this when setting an individual array, as the setter methods will handle updating the associated caches. /// </summary> public void ClearSelection() { m_SelectedFaces = new int[0]; m_SelectedEdges = new Edge[0]; m_SelectedVertices = new int[0]; m_SelectedCacheDirty = true; } } }