using System;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder
/// Functions for projecting 3d points to 2d space.
public static class Projection
/// Project a collection of 3d positions to a 2d plane. The direction from which the vertices are projected
/// is calculated using .
/// A collection of positions to project based on a direction.
/// The positions array projected into 2d coordinates.
public static Vector2[] PlanarProject(IList positions, IList indexes = null)
return PlanarProject(positions, indexes, FindBestPlane(positions, indexes).normal);
/// Project a collection of 3d positions to a 2d plane.
/// A collection of positions to project based on a direction.
/// A collection of indices to project. The returned array will match the length of indices.
/// The direction from which vertex positions are projected into 2d space.
/// The positions array projected into 2d coordinates.
public static Vector2[] PlanarProject(IList positions, IList indexes, Vector3 direction)
List results = new List(indexes != null ? indexes.Count : positions.Count);
PlanarProject(positions, indexes, direction, results);
return results.ToArray();
internal static void PlanarProject(IList positions, IList indexes, Vector3 direction, List results)
if(positions == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("positions");
if(results == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("results");
var nrm = direction;
var axis = VectorToProjectionAxis(nrm);
var prj = GetTangentToAxis(axis);
var len = indexes == null ? positions.Count : indexes.Count;
var u = Vector3.Cross(nrm, prj);
var v = Vector3.Cross(u, nrm);
if (indexes != null)
for (int i = 0, ic = len; i < ic; ++i)
results.Add(new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(u, positions[indexes[i]]), Vector3.Dot(v, positions[indexes[i]])));
for (int i = 0, ic = len; i < ic; ++i)
results.Add(new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(u, positions[i]), Vector3.Dot(v, positions[i])));
internal static void PlanarProject(ProBuilderMesh mesh, int textureGroup, AutoUnwrapSettings unwrapSettings)
var worldSpace = unwrapSettings.useWorldSpace;
var trs = (Transform)null;
var faces = mesh.facesInternal;
// Get a projection direction by averaging the normals of all selected faces
var projectionDirection =;
for (int f = 0, fc = faces.Length; f < fc; ++f)
if (faces[f].textureGroup != textureGroup)
var nrm = Math.Normal(mesh, faces[f]);
projectionDirection += nrm;
if (worldSpace)
trs = mesh.transform;
projectionDirection = trs.TransformDirection(projectionDirection);
var axis = VectorToProjectionAxis(projectionDirection);
var prj = GetTangentToAxis(axis);
var u = Vector3.Cross(projectionDirection, prj);
var v = Vector3.Cross(u, projectionDirection);
var positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
var textures = mesh.texturesInternal;
for (int f = 0, fc = faces.Length; f < fc; ++f)
if (faces[f].textureGroup != textureGroup)
var indexes = faces[f].distinctIndexesInternal;
for (int i = 0, ic = indexes.Length; i < ic; ++i)
var p = worldSpace ? trs.TransformPoint(positions[indexes[i]]) : positions[indexes[i]];
textures[indexes[i]].x = Vector3.Dot(u, p);
textures[indexes[i]].y = Vector3.Dot(v, p);
internal static void PlanarProject(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face)
var nrm = Math.Normal(mesh, face);
var trs = (Transform)null;
var worldSpace = face.uv.useWorldSpace;
if (worldSpace)
trs = mesh.transform;
nrm = trs.TransformDirection(nrm);
var axis = VectorToProjectionAxis(nrm);
var prj = GetTangentToAxis(axis);
var uAxis = Vector3.Cross(nrm, prj);
var vAxis = Vector3.Cross(uAxis, nrm);
var positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
var textures = mesh.texturesInternal;
int[] indexes = face.distinctIndexesInternal;
for (int i = 0, ic = indexes.Length; i < ic; ++i)
var p = worldSpace ? trs.TransformPoint(positions[indexes[i]]) : positions[indexes[i]];
textures[indexes[i]].x = Vector3.Dot(uAxis, p);
textures[indexes[i]].y = Vector3.Dot(vAxis, p);
internal static Vector2[] SphericalProject(IList vertices, IList indexes = null)
int len = indexes == null ? vertices.Count : indexes.Count;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[len];
Vector3 cen = Math.Average(vertices, indexes);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int indx = indexes == null ? i : indexes[i];
Vector3 p = (vertices[indx] - cen);
uv[i].x = .5f + (Mathf.Atan2(p.z, p.x) / (2f * Mathf.PI));
uv[i].y = .5f - (Mathf.Asin(p.y) / Mathf.PI);
return uv;
/// Returns a new set of points wound as a contour counter-clockwise.
internal static IList Sort(IList verts, SortMethod method = SortMethod.CounterClockwise)
Vector2 cen = Math.Average(verts);
Vector2 up = Vector2.up;
int count = verts.Count;
List> angles = new List>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
angles.Add(new SimpleTuple(Math.SignedAngle(up, verts[i] - cen), verts[i]));
angles.Sort((a, b) => { return a.item1 < b.item1 ? -1 : 1; });
IList values = angles.Select(x => x.item2).ToList();
if (method == SortMethod.Clockwise)
values = values.Reverse().ToList();
return values;
internal static Vector3 GetTangentToAxis(ProjectionAxis axis)
// old probuilder didn't respect project axis settings properly, and changing it to the correct version
// (ProjectionAxisToVector) would break existing models.
switch (axis)
case ProjectionAxis.X:
case ProjectionAxis.XNegative:
return Vector3.up;
case ProjectionAxis.Y:
case ProjectionAxis.YNegative:
return Vector3.forward;
case ProjectionAxis.Z:
case ProjectionAxis.ZNegative:
return Vector3.up;
return Vector3.up;
/// Given a ProjectionAxis, return the appropriate Vector3 conversion.
internal static Vector3 ProjectionAxisToVector(ProjectionAxis axis)
switch (axis)
case ProjectionAxis.X:
return Vector3.right;
case ProjectionAxis.Y:
return Vector3.up;
case ProjectionAxis.Z:
return Vector3.forward;
case ProjectionAxis.XNegative:
return -Vector3.right;
case ProjectionAxis.YNegative:
return -Vector3.up;
case ProjectionAxis.ZNegative:
return -Vector3.forward;
/// Returns a projection axis based on which axis is the largest
internal static ProjectionAxis VectorToProjectionAxis(Vector3 direction)
float x = System.Math.Abs(direction.x);
float y = System.Math.Abs(direction.y);
float z = System.Math.Abs(direction.z);
if (x > y && x > z)
return direction.x > 0 ? ProjectionAxis.X : ProjectionAxis.XNegative;
if (y > z)
return direction.y > 0 ? ProjectionAxis.Y : ProjectionAxis.YNegative;
return direction.z > 0 ? ProjectionAxis.Z : ProjectionAxis.ZNegative;
/// Find a plane that best fits a set of 3d points.
/// The points to find a plane for. Order does not matter.
/// If provided, only the vertices referenced by the indexes array will be considered.
/// A plane that best matches the layout of the points array.
public static Plane FindBestPlane(IList points, IList indexes = null)
float xx = 0f, xy = 0f, xz = 0f,
yy = 0f, yz = 0f, zz = 0f;
if (points == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("points");
bool ind = indexes != null && indexes.Count > 0;
int len = ind ? indexes.Count : points.Count;
Vector3 c =, n =;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
c.x += points[ind ? indexes[i] : i].x;
c.y += points[ind ? indexes[i] : i].y;
c.z += points[ind ? indexes[i] : i].z;
c.x /= (float)len;
c.y /= (float)len;
c.z /= (float)len;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Vector3 r = points[ind ? indexes[i] : i] - c;
xx += r.x * r.x;
xy += r.x * r.y;
xz += r.x * r.z;
yy += r.y * r.y;
yz += r.y * r.z;
zz += r.z * r.z;
float det_x = yy * zz - yz * yz;
float det_y = xx * zz - xz * xz;
float det_z = xx * yy - xy * xy;
if (det_x > det_y && det_x > det_z)
n.x = 1f;
n.y = (xz * yz - xy * zz) / det_x;
n.z = (xy * yz - xz * yy) / det_x;
else if (det_y > det_z)
n.x = (yz * xz - xy * zz) / det_y;
n.y = 1f;
n.z = (xy * xz - yz * xx) / det_y;
n.x = (yz * xy - xz * yy) / det_z;
n.y = (xz * xy - yz * xx) / det_z;
n.z = 1f;
return new Plane(n, c);
/// Find a plane that best fits a set of faces within a texture group.
/// A plane that best matches the layout of the points array.
internal static Plane FindBestPlane(ProBuilderMesh mesh, int textureGroup)
float xx = 0f, xy = 0f, xz = 0f,
yy = 0f, yz = 0f, zz = 0f;
if (mesh == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("mesh");
Vector3 c =;
int len = 0;
Vector3[] positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
int faceCount = mesh.faceCount;
Face[] faces = mesh.facesInternal;
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < faceCount; faceIndex++)
if (faces[faceIndex].textureGroup != textureGroup)
int[] indexes = faces[faceIndex].indexesInternal;
for (int index = 0, indexCount = indexes.Length; index < indexCount; index++)
c.x += positions[indexes[index]].x;
c.y += positions[indexes[index]].y;
c.z += positions[indexes[index]].z;
c.x /= len;
c.y /= len;
c.z /= len;
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < faceCount; faceIndex++)
if (faces[faceIndex].textureGroup != textureGroup)
int[] indexes = faces[faceIndex].indexesInternal;
for (int index = 0, indexCount = indexes.Length; index < indexCount; index++)
Vector3 r = positions[indexes[index]] - c;
xx += r.x * r.x;
xy += r.x * r.y;
xz += r.x * r.z;
yy += r.y * r.y;
yz += r.y * r.z;
zz += r.z * r.z;
float det_x = yy * zz - yz * yz;
float det_y = xx * zz - xz * xz;
float det_z = xx * yy - xy * xy;
Vector3 n =;
if (det_x > det_y && det_x > det_z)
n.x = 1f;
n.y = (xz * yz - xy * zz) / det_x;
n.z = (xy * yz - xz * yy) / det_x;
else if (det_y > det_z)
n.x = (yz * xz - xy * zz) / det_y;
n.y = 1f;
n.z = (xy * xz - yz * xx) / det_y;
n.x = (yz * xy - xz * yy) / det_z;
n.y = (xz * xy - yz * xx) / det_z;
n.z = 1f;
return new Plane(n, c);