using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder
/// Functions for picking mesh elements in a view. Can either render a texture to test, or cast a ray. Prefer this over calling SelectionPickerRenderer directly.
public static class SelectionPicker
/// Pick the vertex indexes contained within a rect.
/// Rect is in GUI space, where 0,0 is top left of screen, width = cam.pixelWidth / pointsPerPixel.
/// The objects to hit test.
/// Culling options.
/// Scale the render texture to match rect coordinates. Generally you'll just pass in EditorGUIUtility.pointsPerPixel.
/// A dictionary of ProBuilderMesh and sharedIndexes that are in the selection rect. To get triangle indexes access the pb.sharedIndexes[index] array.
public static Dictionary> PickVerticesInRect(
Camera cam,
Rect rect,
IList selectable,
PickerOptions options,
float pixelsPerPoint = 1f)
if (options.depthTest)
return SelectionPickerRenderer.PickVerticesInRect(
(int)(cam.pixelWidth / pixelsPerPoint),
(int)(cam.pixelHeight / pixelsPerPoint));
// while the selectionpicker render path supports no depth test picking, it's usually faster to skip
// the render. also avoids issues with vertex billboards obscuring one another.
var selected = new Dictionary>();
foreach (var pb in selectable)
if (!pb.selectable)
SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = pb.sharedVerticesInternal;
HashSet inRect = new HashSet();
Vector3[] positions = pb.positionsInternal;
var trs = pb.transform;
float pixelHeight = cam.pixelHeight;
for (int n = 0; n < sharedIndexes.Length; n++)
Vector3 v = trs.TransformPoint(positions[sharedIndexes[n][0]]);
Vector3 p = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(v);
if (p.z < cam.nearClipPlane)
p.x /= pixelsPerPoint;
p.y = (pixelHeight - p.y) / pixelsPerPoint;
if (rect.Contains(p))
selected.Add(pb, inRect);
return selected;
/// Pick faces contained within rect.
/// Rect is in GUI space, where 0,0 is top left of screen, width = cam.pixelWidth / pointsPerPixel.
/// Scale the render texture to match rect coordinates. Generally you'll just pass in EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint.
public static Dictionary> PickFacesInRect(
Camera cam,
Rect rect,
IList selectable,
PickerOptions options,
float pixelsPerPoint = 1f)
if (options.depthTest && options.rectSelectMode == RectSelectMode.Partial)
return SelectionPickerRenderer.PickFacesInRect(
(int)(cam.pixelWidth / pixelsPerPoint),
(int)(cam.pixelHeight / pixelsPerPoint));
var selected = new Dictionary>();
foreach (var pb in selectable)
if (!pb.selectable)
HashSet selectedFaces = new HashSet();
Transform trs = pb.transform;
Vector3[] positions = pb.positionsInternal;
Vector3[] screenPoints = new Vector3[pb.vertexCount];
for (int nn = 0; nn < pb.vertexCount; nn++)
screenPoints[nn] = cam.ScreenToGuiPoint(cam.WorldToScreenPoint(trs.TransformPoint(positions[nn])), pixelsPerPoint);
for (int n = 0; n < pb.facesInternal.Length; n++)
Face face = pb.facesInternal[n];
// rect select = complete
if (options.rectSelectMode == RectSelectMode.Complete)
// face is behind the camera
if (screenPoints[face.indexesInternal[0]].z < cam.nearClipPlane)
// only check the first index per quad, and if it checks out, then check every other point
if (rect.Contains(screenPoints[face.indexesInternal[0]]))
bool nope = false;
for (int q = 1; q < face.distinctIndexesInternal.Length; q++)
int index = face.distinctIndexesInternal[q];
if (screenPoints[index].z < cam.nearClipPlane || !rect.Contains(screenPoints[index]))
nope = true;
if (!nope)
if (!options.depthTest ||
!HandleUtility.PointIsOccluded(cam, pb, trs.TransformPoint(Math.Average(positions, face.distinctIndexesInternal))))
// rect select = partial
Bounds2D poly = new Bounds2D(screenPoints, face.edgesInternal);
bool overlaps = false;
if (poly.Intersects(rect))
// if rect contains one point of polygon, it overlaps
for (int nn = 0; nn < face.distinctIndexesInternal.Length && !overlaps; nn++)
Vector3 p = screenPoints[face.distinctIndexesInternal[nn]];
overlaps = p.z > cam.nearClipPlane && rect.Contains(p);
// if polygon contains one point of rect, it overlaps. otherwise check for edge intersections
if (!overlaps)
Vector2 tl = new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMax);
Vector2 tr = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax);
Vector2 bl = new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMin);
Vector2 br = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMin);
overlaps = Math.PointInPolygon(screenPoints, poly, face.edgesInternal, tl);
if (!overlaps) overlaps = Math.PointInPolygon(screenPoints, poly, face.edgesInternal, tr);
if (!overlaps) overlaps = Math.PointInPolygon(screenPoints, poly, face.edgesInternal, br);
if (!overlaps) overlaps = Math.PointInPolygon(screenPoints, poly, face.edgesInternal, bl);
// if any polygon edge intersects rect
for (int nn = 0; nn < face.edgesInternal.Length && !overlaps; nn++)
if (Math.GetLineSegmentIntersect(tr, tl, screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].a], screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].b]))
overlaps = true;
else if (Math.GetLineSegmentIntersect(tl, bl, screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].a], screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].b]))
overlaps = true;
else if (Math.GetLineSegmentIntersect(bl, br, screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].a], screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].b]))
overlaps = true;
else if (Math.GetLineSegmentIntersect(br, tl, screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].a], screenPoints[face.edgesInternal[nn].b]))
overlaps = true;
// don't test occlusion since that case is handled special
if (overlaps)
selected.Add(pb, selectedFaces);
return selected;
/// Pick the edges contained within a rect.
/// Rect is in GUI space, where 0,0 is top left of screen, width = cam.pixelWidth / pointsPerPixel.
/// The ProBuilder mesh objects to consider when hit testing.
/// Culling options.
/// Scale the render texture to match rect coordinates. Generally you'll just pass in EditorGUIUtility.pointsPerPixel.
/// A dictionary of ProBuilderMesh and edges that are in the selection rect.
public static Dictionary> PickEdgesInRect(
Camera cam,
Rect rect,
IList selectable,
PickerOptions options,
float pixelsPerPoint = 1f)
if (options.depthTest && options.rectSelectMode == RectSelectMode.Partial)
return SelectionPickerRenderer.PickEdgesInRect(
(int)(cam.pixelWidth / pixelsPerPoint),
(int)(cam.pixelHeight / pixelsPerPoint));
var selected = new Dictionary>();
foreach (var pb in selectable)
if (!pb.selectable)
Transform trs = pb.transform;
var selectedEdges = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0, fc = pb.faceCount; i < fc; i++)
var edges = pb.facesInternal[i].edgesInternal;
for (int n = 0, ec = edges.Length; n < ec; n++)
var edge = edges[n];
var posA = trs.TransformPoint(pb.positionsInternal[edge.a]);
var posB = trs.TransformPoint(pb.positionsInternal[edge.b]);
Vector3 a = cam.ScreenToGuiPoint(cam.WorldToScreenPoint(posA), pixelsPerPoint);
Vector3 b = cam.ScreenToGuiPoint(cam.WorldToScreenPoint(posB), pixelsPerPoint);
switch (options.rectSelectMode)
case RectSelectMode.Complete:
// if either of the positions are clipped by the camera we cannot possibly select both, skip it
if ((a.z < cam.nearClipPlane || b.z < cam.nearClipPlane))
if (rect.Contains(a) && rect.Contains(b))
if (!options.depthTest || !HandleUtility.PointIsOccluded(cam, pb, (posA + posB) * .5f))
case RectSelectMode.Partial:
// partial + depth test is covered earlier
if (Math.RectIntersectsLineSegment(rect, a, b))
selected.Add(pb, selectedEdges);
return selected;
/// Returns the first hit face on a ProBuilder mesh given a screen position and camera.
/// The camera to use when calculating the raycast.
/// The screen position to use when calculating the raycast.
/// The ProBuilderMesh to test for ray/face intersection.
/// A Face if successful, null if the hit test failed.
public static Face PickFace(Camera camera, Vector3 mousePosition, ProBuilderMesh pickable)
Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (HandleUtility.FaceRaycast(ray, pickable, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, CullingMode.Back))
return pickable.facesInternal[hit.face];
return null;