using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder
/// A set of indexes and material.
public sealed class Submesh
internal int[] m_Indexes;
internal MeshTopology m_Topology;
internal int m_SubmeshIndex;
/// Indexes making up this submesh. Can be triangles or quads, check with topology.
public IEnumerable indexes
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(m_Indexes); }
set { m_Indexes = value.ToArray(); }
/// What is the topology (triangles, quads) of this submesh?
public MeshTopology topology
get { return m_Topology; }
set { m_Topology = value; }
/// The index in the sharedMaterials array that this submesh aligns with.
public int submeshIndex
get { return m_SubmeshIndex; }
set { m_SubmeshIndex = value; }
/// Create new Submesh.
/// The index of this submesh corresponding to the MeshRenderer.sharedMaterials property.
/// What topology is this submesh. ProBuilder only recognizes Triangles and Quads.
/// The triangles or quads.
public Submesh(int submeshIndex, MeshTopology topology, IEnumerable indexes)
if (indexes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("indexes");
m_Indexes = indexes.ToArray();
m_Topology = topology;
m_SubmeshIndex = submeshIndex;
/// Create new Submesh from a mesh, submesh index, and material.
/// The source mesh.
/// Which submesh to read from.
public Submesh(Mesh mesh, int subMeshIndex)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
m_Indexes = mesh.GetIndices(subMeshIndex);
m_Topology = mesh.GetTopology(subMeshIndex);
m_SubmeshIndex = subMeshIndex;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", m_SubmeshIndex, m_Topology.ToString(), m_Indexes != null ? m_Indexes.Length.ToString() : "0");
internal static int GetSubmeshCount(ProBuilderMesh mesh)
int count = 0;
foreach (var face in mesh.facesInternal)
count = Math.Max(count, face.submeshIndex);
return count + 1;
/// Create submeshes from a set of faces. Currently only Quads and Triangles are supported.
/// The faces to be included in the resulting submeshes. This method handles groups submeshes by comparing the material property of each face.
/// How many submeshes to create. Usually you will just want to pass the length of the MeshRenderer.sharedMaterials array.
/// Should the resulting submeshes be in quads or triangles. Note that quads are not guaranteed; ie, some faces may not be able to be represented in quad format and will fall back on triangles.
/// An array of Submeshes.
/// Thrown in the event that a MeshTopology other than Quads or Triangles is passed.
public static Submesh[] GetSubmeshes(IEnumerable faces, int submeshCount, MeshTopology preferredTopology = MeshTopology.Triangles)
if (preferredTopology != MeshTopology.Triangles && preferredTopology != MeshTopology.Quads)
throw new System.NotImplementedException("Currently only Quads and Triangles are supported.");
if (faces == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("faces");
bool wantsQuads = preferredTopology == MeshTopology.Quads;
List[] quads = wantsQuads ? new List[submeshCount] : null;
List[] tris = new List[submeshCount];
int maxSubmeshIndex = submeshCount - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
if (wantsQuads)
quads[i] = new List();
tris[i] = new List();
foreach (var face in faces)
if (face.indexesInternal == null || face.indexesInternal.Length < 1)
int submeshIndex = Math.Clamp(face.submeshIndex, 0, maxSubmeshIndex);
if (wantsQuads && face.IsQuad())
var submeshes = new Submesh[submeshCount];
switch (preferredTopology)
case MeshTopology.Triangles:
for (int submeshIndex = 0; submeshIndex < submeshCount; submeshIndex++)
submeshes[submeshIndex] = new Submesh(submeshIndex, MeshTopology.Triangles, tris[submeshIndex]);
case MeshTopology.Quads:
for (int submeshIndex = 0; submeshIndex < submeshCount; submeshIndex++)
// If a submesh is a mix of triangles and quads, fall back to triangles.
if (tris[submeshIndex].Count > 0)
var tri = tris[submeshIndex];
var quad = quads[submeshIndex];
int triCount = tri.Count;
int quadCount = quad.Count;
int[] triangles = new int[triCount + ((quadCount / 4) * 6)];
for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i++)
triangles[i] = tri[i];
for (int i = 0, n = triCount; i < quadCount; i += 4, n += 6)
triangles[n + 0] = quad[i + 0];
triangles[n + 1] = quad[i + 1];
triangles[n + 2] = quad[i + 2];
triangles[n + 3] = quad[i + 2];
triangles[n + 4] = quad[i + 3];
triangles[n + 5] = quad[i + 0];
submeshes[submeshIndex] = new Submesh(submeshIndex, MeshTopology.Triangles, triangles);
submeshes[submeshIndex] = new Submesh(submeshIndex, MeshTopology.Quads, quads[submeshIndex]);
return submeshes;
internal static void MapFaceMaterialsToSubmeshIndex(ProBuilderMesh mesh)
var materials = mesh.renderer.sharedMaterials;
var submeshCount = materials.Length;
foreach (var face in mesh.facesInternal)
#pragma warning disable 618
var index = Array.IndexOf(materials, face.material);
face.submeshIndex = Math.Clamp(index, 0, submeshCount - 1);
face.material = null;
#pragma warning restore 618