// Original CSG.JS library by Evan Wallace (http://madebyevan.com), under the MIT license.
// GitHub: https://github.com/evanw/csg.js/
// C++ port by Tomasz Dabrowski (http://28byteslater.com), under the MIT license.
// GitHub: https://github.com/dabroz/csgjs-cpp/
// C# port by Karl Henkel (parabox.co), under MIT license.
// Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean
// operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This library
// implements CSG operations on meshes elegantly and concisely using BSP trees,
// and is meant to serve as an easily understandable implementation of the
// algorithm. All edge cases involving overlapping coplanar polygons in both
// solids are correctly handled.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.ProBuilder;

namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Experimental.CSG
    /// <summary>
    /// Base class for CSG operations.  Contains GameObject level methods for Subtraction, Intersection, and Union operations. The GameObjects passed to these functions will not be modified.
    /// </summary>
    sealed class CSG
        // Tolerance used by `splitPolygon()` to decide if a point is on the plane.
        public const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;

         * Returns a new mesh by merging @lhs with @rhs.
        public static Mesh Union(GameObject lhs, GameObject rhs)
            CSG_Model csg_model_a = new CSG_Model(lhs);
            CSG_Model csg_model_b = new CSG_Model(rhs);

            CSG_Node a = new CSG_Node(csg_model_a.ToPolygons());
            CSG_Node b = new CSG_Node(csg_model_b.ToPolygons());

            List<CSG_Polygon> polygons = CSG_Node.Union(a, b).AllPolygons();

            CSG_Model result = new CSG_Model(polygons);

            return result.ToMesh();

         * Returns a new mesh by subtracting @rhs from @lhs.
        public static Mesh Subtract(GameObject lhs, GameObject rhs)
            CSG_Model csg_model_a = new CSG_Model(lhs);
            CSG_Model csg_model_b = new CSG_Model(rhs);

            CSG_Node a = new CSG_Node(csg_model_a.ToPolygons());
            CSG_Node b = new CSG_Node(csg_model_b.ToPolygons());

            List<CSG_Polygon> polygons = CSG_Node.Subtract(a, b).AllPolygons();

            CSG_Model result = new CSG_Model(polygons);

            return result.ToMesh();

         * Return a new mesh by intersecting @lhs with @rhs.  This operation
         * is non-commutative, so set @lhs and @rhs accordingly.
        public static Mesh Intersect(GameObject lhs, GameObject rhs)
            CSG_Model csg_model_a = new CSG_Model(lhs);
            CSG_Model csg_model_b = new CSG_Model(rhs);

            CSG_Node a = new CSG_Node(csg_model_a.ToPolygons());
            CSG_Node b = new CSG_Node(csg_model_b.ToPolygons());

            List<CSG_Polygon> polygons = CSG_Node.Intersect(a, b).AllPolygons();

            CSG_Model result = new CSG_Model(polygons);

            return result.ToMesh();