using System.Linq; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations { static partial class UVEditing { /// /// Provided two faces, this method will attempt to project @f2 and align its size, rotation, and position to match /// the shared edge on f1. Returns true on success, false otherwise. /// /// /// /// /// /// public static bool AutoStitch(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face f1, Face f2, int channel) { var wings = WingedEdge.GetWingedEdges(mesh, new [] { f1, f2 }); var sharedEdge = wings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.face == f1 && x.opposite != null && x.opposite.face == f2); if (sharedEdge == null) return false; if (f1.manualUV) f2.manualUV = true; f1.textureGroup = -1; f2.textureGroup = -1; Projection.PlanarProject(mesh, f2); if (AlignEdges(mesh, f2, sharedEdge.edge.local, sharedEdge.opposite.edge.local, channel)) { if (!f2.manualUV) { SetAutoAndAlignUnwrapParamsToUVs(mesh, new [] { f2 }); } return true; } return false; } /// /// move the UVs to where the edges passed meet /// /// /// /// /// /// /// static bool AlignEdges(ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face faceToMove, Edge edgeToAlignTo, Edge edgeToBeAligned, int channel) { Vector2[] uvs = GetUVs(mesh, channel); SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal; // Match each edge vertex to the other int[] matchX = new int[2] { edgeToAlignTo.a, -1 }; int[] matchY = new int[2] { edgeToAlignTo.b, -1 }; int siIndex = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(edgeToAlignTo.a); if (siIndex < 0) return false; if (sharedIndexes[siIndex].Contains(edgeToBeAligned.a)) { matchX[1] = edgeToBeAligned.a; matchY[1] = edgeToBeAligned.b; } else { matchX[1] = edgeToBeAligned.b; matchY[1] = edgeToBeAligned.a; } // scale face 2 to match the edge size of f1 float dist_e1 = Vector2.Distance(uvs[edgeToAlignTo.a], uvs[edgeToAlignTo.b]); float dist_e2 = Vector2.Distance(uvs[edgeToBeAligned.a], uvs[edgeToBeAligned.b]); float scale = dist_e1 / dist_e2; // doesn't matter what point we scale around because we'll move it in the next step anyways foreach (int i in faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal) uvs[i] = uvs[i].ScaleAroundPoint(, * scale); /** * Figure out where the center of each edge is so that we can move the f2 edge to match f1's origin */ Vector2 f1_center = (uvs[edgeToAlignTo.a] + uvs[edgeToAlignTo.b]) / 2f; Vector2 f2_center = (uvs[edgeToBeAligned.a] + uvs[edgeToBeAligned.b]) / 2f; Vector2 diff = f1_center - f2_center; /** * Move f2 face to where it's matching edge center is on top of f1's center */ foreach (int i in faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal) uvs[i] += diff; /** * Now that the edge's centers are matching, rotate f2 to match f1's angle */ Vector2 angle1 = uvs[matchY[0]] - uvs[matchX[0]]; Vector2 angle2 = uvs[matchY[1]] - uvs[matchX[1]]; float angle = Vector2.Angle(angle1, angle2); if (Vector3.Cross(angle1, angle2).z < 0) angle = 360f - angle; foreach (int i in faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal) uvs[i] = Math.RotateAroundPoint(uvs[i], f1_center, angle); float error = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(uvs[matchX[0]], uvs[matchX[1]])) + Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(uvs[matchY[0]], uvs[matchY[1]])); // now check that the matched UVs are on top of one another if the error allowance is greater than some small value if (error > .02f) { // first try rotating 180 degrees foreach (int i in faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal) uvs[i] = Math.RotateAroundPoint(uvs[i], f1_center, 180f); float e2 = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(uvs[matchX[0]], uvs[matchX[1]])) + Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(uvs[matchY[0]], uvs[matchY[1]])); if (e2 < error) error = e2; else { // flip 'em back around foreach (int i in faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal) uvs[i] = Math.RotateAroundPoint(uvs[i], f1_center, 180f); } } // If successfully aligned, merge the sharedIndexesUV SplitUVs(mesh, faceToMove.distinctIndexesInternal); mesh.SetTexturesCoincident(matchX); mesh.SetTexturesCoincident(matchY); ApplyUVs(mesh, uvs, channel); return true; } } }