using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder.KdTree; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder.KdTree.Math; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations { /// /// Methods for merging and splitting common (or shared) vertices. /// public static class VertexEditing { /// /// Collapses all passed indexes to a single shared index. /// /// /// Retains vertex normals. /// /// Target mesh. /// The indexes to merge to a single shared vertex. /// If true, instead of merging all vertices to the average position, the vertices will be collapsed onto the first vertex position. /// The first available local index created as a result of the merge. -1 if action is unsuccessfull. public static int MergeVertices(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, int[] indexes, bool collapseToFirst = false) { if (mesh == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh"); if (indexes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("indexes"); Vertex[] vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); Vertex cen = collapseToFirst ? vertices[indexes[0]] : Vertex.Average(vertices, indexes); mesh.SetVerticesCoincident(indexes); UVEditing.SplitUVs(mesh, indexes); int sharedVertexHandle = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(indexes.First()); mesh.SetSharedVertexValues(sharedVertexHandle, cen); SharedVertex merged = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal[sharedVertexHandle]; int[] removedIndexes = mesh.RemoveDegenerateTriangles(); // get a non-deleted index to work with int ind = -1; for (int i = 0; i < merged.Count; i++) if (!removedIndexes.Contains(merged[i])) ind = merged[i]; int res = ind; for (int i = 0; i < removedIndexes.Length; i++) if (ind > removedIndexes[i]) res--; return res; } /// /// Split the vertices referenced by edge from their shared indexes so that each vertex moves independently. /// /// /// This is equivalent to calling `SplitVertices(mesh, new int[] { edge.x, edge.y });`. /// /// The source mesh. /// The edge to query for vertex indexes. /// public static void SplitVertices(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Edge edge) { SplitVertices(mesh, new int[] { edge.a, edge.b }); } /// /// Split vertices from their shared indexes so that each vertex moves independently. /// /// The source mesh. /// A list of vertex indexes to split. /// public static void SplitVertices(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IEnumerable vertices) { if (mesh == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh"); if (vertices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices"); // ToDictionary always sets the universal indexes in ascending order from 0+. Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup; int max = lookup.Count(); foreach (int i in vertices) lookup[i] = ++max; mesh.SetSharedVertices(lookup); } /// /// Similar to Merge vertices, expect that this method only collapses vertices within a specified distance of one another (typically Mathf.Epsilon is used). /// /// Target pb_Object. /// The vertex indexes to be scanned for inclusion. To weld the entire object for example, pass pb.faces.SelectMany(x => x.indexes). /// The minimum distance from another vertex to be considered within welding distance. /// The indexes of any new vertices created by a weld. public static int[] WeldVertices(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IEnumerable indexes, float neighborRadius) { if (mesh == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh"); if (indexes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("indexes"); Vertex[] vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal; HashSet common = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandles(indexes); int vertexCount = common.Count; // Make assumption that there will rarely be a time when a single weld encompasses more than 32 vertices. // If a radial search returns neighbors matching the max count, the search is re-done and maxNearestNeighbors // is set to the resulting length. This will be slow, but in most cases shouldn't happen ever, or if it does, // should only happen once or twice. int maxNearestNeighbors = System.Math.Min(32, common.Count()); // 3 dimensions, duplicate entries allowed KdTree tree = new KdTree(3, new FloatMath(), AddDuplicateBehavior.Collect); foreach (int i in common) { Vector3 v = vertices[sharedIndexes[i][0]].position; tree.Add(new float[] { v.x, v.y, v.z }, i); } float[] point = new float[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; Dictionary remapped = new Dictionary(); Dictionary averages = new Dictionary(); int index = sharedIndexes.Length; foreach (int commonIndex in common) { // already merged with another if (remapped.ContainsKey(commonIndex)) continue; Vector3 v = vertices[sharedIndexes[commonIndex][0]].position; point[0] = v.x; point[1] = v.y; point[2] = v.z; // Radial search at each point KdTreeNode[] neighbors = tree.RadialSearch(point, neighborRadius, maxNearestNeighbors); // if first radial search filled the entire allotment reset the max neighbor count to 1.5x. // the result hopefully preventing double-searches in the next iterations. if (maxNearestNeighbors < vertexCount && neighbors.Length >= maxNearestNeighbors) { neighbors = tree.RadialSearch(point, neighborRadius, vertexCount); maxNearestNeighbors = System.Math.Min(vertexCount, neighbors.Length + neighbors.Length / 2); } Vector3 avg =; float count = 0; for (int neighborIndex = 0; neighborIndex < neighbors.Length; neighborIndex++) { // common index of this neighbor int c = neighbors[neighborIndex].Value; // if it's already been added to another, skip it if (remapped.ContainsKey(c)) continue; avg.x += neighbors[neighborIndex].Point[0]; avg.y += neighbors[neighborIndex].Point[1]; avg.z += neighbors[neighborIndex].Point[2]; remapped.Add(c, index); count++; if (neighbors[neighborIndex].Duplicates != null) { for (int duplicateIndex = 0; duplicateIndex < neighbors[neighborIndex].Duplicates.Count; duplicateIndex++) remapped.Add(neighbors[neighborIndex].Duplicates[duplicateIndex], index); } } avg.x /= count; avg.y /= count; avg.z /= count; averages.Add(index, avg); index++; } var welds = new int[remapped.Count]; int n = 0; var lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup; foreach (var kvp in remapped) { SharedVertex tris = sharedIndexes[kvp.Key]; welds[n++] = tris[0]; for (int i = 0; i < tris.Count; i++) { lookup[tris[i]] = kvp.Value; vertices[tris[i]].position = averages[kvp.Value]; } } mesh.SetSharedVertices(lookup); mesh.SetVertices(vertices); mesh.ToMesh(); return welds; } /// /// Split a common index on a face into two vertices and slide each vertex backwards along it's feeding edge by distance. /// This method does not perform any input validation, so make sure edgeAndCommonIndex is distinct and all winged edges belong /// to the same face. ///
        /// `appendedVertices` is common index and a list of the new face indexes it was split into.
        /// _ _ _ _          _ _ _
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/// /// /// /// /// internal static FaceRebuildData ExplodeVertex( IList vertices, IList> edgeAndCommonIndex, float distance, out Dictionary> appendedVertices) { Face face = edgeAndCommonIndex.FirstOrDefault().item1.face; List perimeter = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face); appendedVertices = new Dictionary>(); Vector3 oldNormal = Math.Normal(vertices, face.indexesInternal); // store local and common index of split points Dictionary toSplit = new Dictionary(); foreach (SimpleTuple v in edgeAndCommonIndex) { if (v.item2 == v.item1.edge.common.a) toSplit.Add(v.item1.edge.local.a, v.item2); else toSplit.Add(v.item1.edge.local.b, v.item2); } int pc = perimeter.Count; List n_vertices = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < pc; i++) { int index = perimeter[i].b; // split this index into two if (toSplit.ContainsKey(index)) { // a --- b --- c Vertex a = vertices[perimeter[i].a]; Vertex b = vertices[perimeter[i].b]; Vertex c = vertices[perimeter[(i + 1) % pc].b]; Vertex leading_dir = a - b; Vertex following_dir = c - b; leading_dir.Normalize(); following_dir.Normalize(); Vertex leading_insert = vertices[index] + leading_dir * distance; Vertex following_insert = vertices[index] + following_dir * distance; appendedVertices.AddOrAppend(toSplit[index], n_vertices.Count); n_vertices.Add(leading_insert); appendedVertices.AddOrAppend(toSplit[index], n_vertices.Count); n_vertices.Add(following_insert); } else { n_vertices.Add(vertices[index]); } } List triangles; if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(n_vertices, out triangles, false)) { FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData(); data.vertices = n_vertices; data.face = new Face(face); Vector3 newNormal = Math.Normal(n_vertices, triangles); if (Vector3.Dot(oldNormal, newNormal) < 0f) triangles.Reverse(); data.face.indexesInternal = triangles.ToArray(); return data; } return null; } static Edge AlignEdgeWithDirection(EdgeLookup edge, int commonIndex) { if (edge.common.a == commonIndex) return new Edge(edge.local.a, edge.local.b); else return new Edge(edge.local.b, edge.local.a); } } }