using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.SettingsManagement
/// The Settings class is provides an interface for getting and setting preference values. It manages the available
/// `ISettingsRepository` instances.
public sealed class Settings
ISettingsRepository[] m_SettingsRepositories;
/// An event that is raised prior to an `ISettingsRepository` serializing it's current state.
public event Action beforeSettingsSaved;
/// An event that is raised after an `ISettingsRepository` has serialized it's current state.
public event Action afterSettingsSaved;
/// Create a new Settings instance with a collection of settings repositories.
public Settings(IEnumerable repositories)
m_SettingsRepositories = repositories.ToArray();
/// Find a settings repository that matches the requested scope.
/// The scope of the settings repository to match.
/// An ISettingsRepository instance that is implementing the requested scope. May return null if no
/// matching repository is found.
public ISettingsRepository GetRepository(SettingsScope scope)
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (repo.scope == scope)
return repo;
return null;
/// Serialize the state of all settings repositories.
public void Save()
if (beforeSettingsSaved != null)
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (afterSettingsSaved != null)
/// Set a value for key of type T.
/// The settings key.
/// The value to set. Must be serializable.
/// Which scope this settings should be saved in.
/// Type of value.
public void Set(string key, T value, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
bool foundScopeRepository = false;
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (repo.scope == scope)
repo.Set(key, value);
foundScopeRepository = true;
if (!foundScopeRepository)
Debug.LogWarning("No repository for scope " + scope + " found!");
/// Get a value with key of type T, or return the fallback value if no matching key is found.
/// The settings key.
/// Which scope this settings should be retrieved from.
/// If no key with a value of type T is found, this value is returned.
/// Type of value to search for.
public T Get(string key, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project, T fallback = default(T))
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (repo.scope == scope)
return repo.Get(key, fallback);
Debug.LogWarning("No repository for scope " + scope + " found!");
return fallback;
/// Does the repository contain a setting with key and type.
/// The settings key.
/// The type of value to search for.
/// Which scope should be searched for matching key.
/// True if a setting matching both key and type is found, false if no entry is found.
public bool ContainsKey(string key, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (repo.scope == scope)
return repo.ContainsKey(key);
Debug.LogWarning("No repository for scope " + scope + " found!");
return false;
/// Remove a key value pair from a settings repository.
/// The key to remove.
/// Which scope should be searched for matching key.
/// The type that this key is pointing to.
public void DeleteKey(string key, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
bool foundScopeRepository = false;
foreach (var repo in m_SettingsRepositories)
if (repo.scope == scope)
foundScopeRepository = true;
if (!foundScopeRepository)
Debug.LogWarning("No repository for scope " + scope + " found!");